10 Unique Alternatives To The Lorem Ipsum
We all know that the “Lorem Ipsum” Latin text is often used in placeholder text when designing prototype websites and such, in place of future content. But we have to admit sometimes, the Lorem Ipsum could get a little old or too mainstream, so there should at least be alternatives for that.
List of unique alternatives to the “lorem ipsum” placeholder text
Here is a list of 10 unique alternatives for placeholder text:
If you want something sweet and fancy, try this Cupcake Ipsum, which generates text pertaining to sweets like candies, cupcakes, or just about anything that has sugar on it. This is perfect for designing girly or food websites.
Link to the generator: http://cupcakeipsum.com/
Here is another interesting placeholder text generator – using beefy content that will make your mouth water. It literally has everything – bacon, ham, barbecue, pork, beef ribs – everything!
Link to the generator: http://baconipsum.com/
If you are into the “Chuck Norris Facts” phenomenon or simply love the actor, this one is a great alternative placeholder. The content is not only considerably longer but also makes sense as they are filled with “Chuck Norris Facts” that will leave your audience entertained.
Link to the generator: http://chuckipsum.com/
If you prefer a healthier diet than pork or cupcakes, then Veggie Ipsum is the text generator for you. The paragraphs are filled with delicious greenery and perfect for eco-friendly sites or advocacy sites.
Link to the generator: http://veggieipsum.com/
Website Planet
Need quick placeholder text? Website Planet delivers classic filler text in a flash, perfect for modern designs and prototypes. Get your content-ready mockups with ease and focus on design.
Link to the generator: https://www.websiteplanet.com/webtools/lorem-ipsum/
If you prefer a more blunt style of text rather than the conventional and polite ones, use this placeholder text of Samuel L. Jackson’s quotes – with caution!
Link to the generator: http://slipsum.com/
Need a Halloween or zombie-themed placeholder text? Here is a fun way to frighten and thrill your friends with this zombie placeholder text generator.
Link to the generator: http://www.zombieipsum.com/
If you want something fishy but still good for the heart, try this Tuna Ipsum text generator. It has about everything aquatic that will take you to an underwater adventure.
Link to the generator: http://tunaipsum.com/
If you want a Spanish placeholder text generator, then this one is for you; perfect if you are working with Spanish or Mexican clients.
Link to the generator: http://www.quijotipsum.com/
Want to travel beyond? Try this Space Ipsum text generator. The cool thing in this generator is that random sets of texts are generated each time you press ‘Engage!’.
Link to the generator: http://spaceipsum.com/
Sometimes, there is the need to be different even when only putting up placeholder text for your graphic or web design. And with that, we leave you these 10 alternatives to Lorem Ipsum.