3 Iphone Message Psd That Can Be Applied On Your App Or Site
The user interface of iPhone’s messaging is revered by millions of users and non-users. But some designers aren’t satisfied with it. As a result they come up with new designs that may suit the preference of iPhone users. These new designs are packed in PSD files. The good thing about PSDs is that you don’t need programming skills to optimize their benefits. They’re considered as the most effective and efficient method in bringing up your ideas into an attractive template or app.
Designing a new look and feel for your app or website using the theme of iPhone message takes a time and effect. But through the help of these PSDs created by graphic designers, you can easily create a new design from scratch. With the use of these PSDs, you’ll just need to adjust them to fit your own needs. They’re not only great for an iPhone app but they can also be used to come up with a pixel perfect design for your website.
Even if you’ve already started your design, you can still benefit from these PSDs. This collection includes great looking portfolio that you can use to improve your design process or obtain extremely attractive templates or apps.
1. iOS SMS Gui Template by Alexey Chistyakov
It’s a recreation of the standard graphical user interface of iPhone. It doesn’t use the SDK standard controls as it’s too impossible to do it in that way, according to the designer. The top bar is a part of another template created by one of the designers at Teehanlax.com. Everything below the top bar and top label was all made from scratch.
2. Web Design iOS 5 Message Bubbles
This package is only 0.13 MB. It’s a replica of the iOS 5’s SMS theme. You may use it for your app or on your website.
3. iOS 7 by Pieter Goris
It’s another flat design of iPhone message in PSD. The keyboard is also nice and subtle. Overall, it’s well-done. But it’s not for those who don’t want to shift from iPhone message bubble to flat SMS UI.
A change on the user interface of iPhone’s SMS can’t be realized anytime soon, since Apple has its own graphic designing team that sticks to the standard message bubbles. But you may use these designs for your latest projects. For instance, you may apply them to your website on the comment part.
You may modify them to make it look more like the little chat bubbles that you see on the iPhone. You just need to play with the shape layers and layer styles to achieve what you want. You’ll also have to apply a little imagination to come up with the style that you can use in any type of website you’re designing.
By using these PSDs to achieve iPhone message-like interface, you can create an even more attractive iOS bubbles. These PSDs won’t only help you create a beautiful design but they can also assist you in finishing your project faster, since you don’t have to start from scratch. As previously mentioned, you just have to play with the layers to achieve the design you’ve in mind.