5 Best Websites For Copywriters
If you are copywriter, you need a good leverage in order to pull your career to success. Copywriters are different from bloggers and writers in the sense that the former needs to induce the readers to take specific actions while the latter usually engage readers to obtain information by giving valuable contents for marketing purposes.
As a copywriter, you need to learn how to write emails, sales pages and infomercials. In order to learn these things that are crucial in copywriting, you need to help yourself to develop the skills on how to write better and to be able to attract readers to take action when reading your work.
Visiting websites that will help you improve your ability to become a good copywriter is a good step to take in order to obtain relevant information from the experts. You will learn good tips and guides that are essential to a successful copywriting endeavor.
Top Copywriting Sites
Top Copywriting Sites is a good start to look for some tips on how to become a good and effective copywriter. There are experts who give advice about various areas of copywriting from whom you can learn from and get advice on how to get recruited by one of the many businesses looking to hire website copywriters.
Tips are provided from the site with unlimited topics that you will be interested in as relevant to your area of expertise. It’s a good resource for a newbie copywriter to grasp a better understanding about what copywriting is and how to manage pitfalls in their copywriting career.
Copyblogger is able to build large numbers of copywriter followers. You can find useful posts to read by its founder, Brian Clark and other copywriting professionals that are good foundation for your copywriting career.
There are many topics available to read and you can certainly explore varieties of issues and smart copywriting tips from the site. As a plus, the website also provides flair of information about SEO writing and creative writing that you can apply with your copywriting skills.
The Copywriting Maven
Created by a direct marketing specialist, you can find a lot of links that would lead you to different online resources for copywriting related articles. You can also find many copywriting, online marketing and social media tips from the site; weekly tweets regarding updates on the site to keep you on tabs regarding updates and trends in copywriting.
Haden Interactive
You can find very useful guides and tips about copywriting on this site. The real life examples provided on the site will give you a good experience on understanding the key concepts of making a good copywriting career.
Haden Interactive also provides screenshots about websites that are not read by the search engine in order to provide clarity on her discussion about SEO and effective copywriting techniques. You can also find good advice about link building, SEO and regular blogging as well from the site.
Interact Media Blog
This one is very useful for SEO copywriting. Managed by Interact Media, this site is link free with a simple design for easy reading. Most of the posts here are very helpful with SEO copywriting. You will find a lot of information on how to manage your blogging and copywriting skills.