5 Common Causes Of Miscommunication In Modern Business

The success of any business can be traced back to one thing: effective communication. Everyone under your roof should be responsible for communicating effectively with their colleagues, the client, and upper management. Miscommunication can prove costly, yet it can happen so quickly.

You can’t stop all miscommunication in your business; however, you can try to reduce it. The first step you should take to avoid these mistakes is to learn why they occur. With that said, read on to discover the most common causes of miscommunication in business and how you can stop them.


Information Overload

There will be times when you need to bring everyone in the office up to speed on the same topic, and the most effective way to do so is with a company meeting. These meetings can also provide your employees with a platform to express other concerns; however, all this information can be difficult to track. Your initial message may go unheeded, or some concerns can be unheard by the person responsible for fixing these issues because there is so much information being shared at one time.

You don’t have to worry too much about this issue thanks to modern technology. Companies have now developed software to conduct AI notetaking during virtual meetings, and you can use Anchor AI’s virtual meetings asset to ensure that every word is accurately recorded. Therefore, everybody in the meeting can read through the transcript to find the information that relates to them, without it being drowned out by the problems of other departments.


Overuse Of Jargon

Business jargon comes in many forms, and your managers will often expect their employees to become familiar with these terms. This is because this language can save them time; however, many new employees or those out of touch may struggle to interpret the jargon and make costly mistakes as a result.

While there is a time and place for business jargon, you should try to refrain from using it in most circumstances. Some employees may feel embarrassed about not knowing specific terms and make mistakes in order to protect their ego. Try to pretend that everyone in the office has the same level of vocabulary and that jargon terms are not a part of it.


Perceived Tone

A person’s tone is easy enough to read when talking face-to-face. You can use this verbal shortcut to convey emotions such as stress, impatience, irony, or even sarcasm, and these tones are crucial for getting an important point across in the way that you intended. Unfortunately, most office communication is now done via digital means such as email and text, which means that tone of voice is now hard to establish in these formats.

You have probably experienced a miscommunication error due to the misreading of a person’s digital tone, and it is a common error that is becoming increasingly prevalent in modern business. The best way to avoid this problem is by abstaining from using a conversational tone in your emails. Keep everything formal and you will find that tone becomes irrelevant.


Informal Language

Since a lot of modern methods of communication came about due to the advancement of social media technology, a lot of these processes are quite informal. People are perfectly capable of conducting entire conversations using internet abbreviations or emojis; however, people can always interpret these messages differently.

Internet slang is still young, which means that it is yet to be standardized. While you may think you are being clever by using popular acronyms or emojis in an emoji, there is no guarantee that the recipient is as versed in these terms as you are. Therefore, this informal way of messaging is going to result in a mistake down the road, so try to avoid using it in the workplace.


Slow Internet

Digital communication is only possible with a strong internet connection. It is this connection that ensures that messages can be sent and received in real-time. If there is an issue with your internet, you may find that communication in your office is made impossible or delayed. An employee could receive a response to the wrong message due to this lag, and this error could spell trouble in several different ways.

Always make sure that your internet is functioning correctly before you decide to engage in a workplace conversation using the web. This way you can ensure that you are always having an effective conversation. Also, it doesn’t hurt to ask for clarity on a topic if you feel it does not make sense.



Recent advancements in technology have made it less costly and quicker to communicate in the world of business. Unfortunately, there are still a few teething problems that can lead to some miscommunication errors, so make sure you know what is responsible for these issues so that you can avoid them in the future.

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