how-to: add a new user on wordpress

Working with a team is a great way to improve your productivity and even create a better environment for individual growth.

When it comes to WordPress, this is possible with adding a new user to your account.

So if you’re using WordPress and thinking to add new users to your team, then this post is for you.

The “Add New” user is a great feature of WordPress that will allow you create a team for a specific goal while still giving you the ultimate control of what’s happening in your website.

We will go through the basic steps on how to add a new user on WordPress, along with some other tips to help you effectively manage your team.

Photos are also available for you to easily follow the steps.

How to add a new user on your WordPress site

  1. On the left column of your WordPress Dashboard, click Users.
  2. NewUserWP

  3. Press the Add New button underneath.
  4. AddNewWP

  5. To add a new user, provide all the appropriate information needed. This includes:
    1. Username
    2. Email address
    3. First name
    4. Last name
    5. Website
    6. Password – You will be asked to input your password twice. Your password must be at least 7 characters long. Use lower and upper cases, symbols and numbers to make it stronger. A password strength box will appear below the two password fields.
  6. InformationWP

  7. Tick the checkbox for Send Password in order to email the password to the user.
  8. SendPassWordWP

  9. Indicate the role of the user. Choose whether the user is Administrator, Editor, Contributor, Author or Subscriber from the dropdown menu.
  10. RoleWP

  11. Press Add User button. Once you have added the new user, a flash message indicating that the new user has been added will appear at the top of the screen.
  12. AddNewUserWP

Things you need to know:

  1. An administrator has the access to all WordPress administration features.
  2. An editor can publish and manage posts and pages. He or she also has the ability to manage other user’s posts.
  3. An author can publish and manage their own posts.
  4. A contributor has the ability to create and manage their own posts but they can’t publish them.
  5. A subscriber can only manage their profile.

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