how-to: add a sleek author box within your posts in wordpress

One way to get more personal with your readers is by showing WHO you are. It’s also a great way to expose and position yourself as a credible person in your industry. So don’t be afraid to share who you are. In this post, I will teach you how to add a simple but fancy author box in your posts using a plugin. You get to tell who you are and what you’re all about; you can even gain more fans by plugging your social media accounts within your author box. Here’s how it will look like:

Authorbox WordPress

Okay, let’s get started!

  1. Login to your WordPress account.
  2. Select the “Plugins” menu from the left side navigation > select “Add New”. Add a plugin
  3. Type and search for “WP Author Box Lite” created by phpbits. Search for WP Author Box Lite
  4. Click “Install Now”. Click Install Now
  5. Activate the plugin. Activate
  6. Make sure your user profile is complete to make this work. Go to “Users” > “Your Profile”. Activate
  7. Fill up the form with your details especially these sections: your display name, biographical info and your social networks under the “WP Author Box User Fields” area. Configure your authorbox Change social links
  8. That’s all! You can view a post from your site and it should look like the screenshot above.

To edit it’s appearance, click the “Author Box Lite” from the left sidebar. You can change the display settings, appearance, tab and social settings.

Change Settings Authorbox

I like this plugin because it looks sleek and simple. You can also:

  1. Stop the social links/icons from being displayed.
  2. Remove the latests post tab.
  3. Change the number of latests posts to show.
  4. Change the appearance a.k.a. the colors of the tab to match your current theme.
  5. Make the authorbox show on different locations.

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