how-to: auto nofollow all external links in wordpress
This functionality enables search engines to ignore all external links in a fast and effortless manner.
In this post, you’ll learn how to nofollow ALL external links using a plugin. I added photos as well for easy comprehension. Let’s get started:
Auto Unfollow External Links on WordPress
- First off, login to your dashboard. Select “Plugins” > “Add New”.
- Search for the plugin, type “Nofollow” and click “Search Plugins” button.
- Find the Follow Nofollow Control plugin by Tran Cuong, and click “Install Now”. It’s most likely located on the 3rd spot. Here’s an example:
- Now activate the plugin.
- Now we’re going to configure the settings to make sure you have all external links are nofollow. Go to “Settings” and select “Follow-Nofollow”.
- Check the “Nofollow” option, and click “Save Changes”.
- You’re done!
- With this plugin, you can “follow” some links by adding the links you want followed on the Follow domain area.
- If you’re looking for a great alternative to this plugin, you can use this one.
How do I make sure that all external links are nofollow?
- View a blog post with an external link. Right click > select “View Page Source”
- Press CTRL + F from your keyboard and search for the external domain name. For example, I’m searching for, see how there’s a rel=”nofollow”?
All settled! Super easy, right?