4 best color palette tools & generators

Your website must use certain colors that would stand out from everyone else’s site.

It must have a strong “personality” that when visitors go to your page, they’d immediately be attracted to it. In this way, they should remember your site when they leave.

Colors to website must be seriously considered. If you want your site to stand out, you should use the right palette. You can deviate from the regular colors by adding a little twist to it.

Good thing about changing colors for your website is that you no longer need to code from scratch just to give your site beautiful colors that’ll make your entire site more attractive.

On this list, you’ll find online tools that can produce harmonious color schemes for web use.

My 4 Favourite Color Scheme Generators

1. Color Scheme Desginer

Color Scheme Desginer

It’s a free online tool that lets you create harmonious color schemes for your site. The colors are based on one, two, three or four colors as the base.

It gives you a result that offers plenty of options allowing you to have effective color scheme ideal for web use or print.

Color Scheme Designer is a powerful tool that must be used by graphic artists or web designers. The resulting colors can help your site break out of the ordinary colors and provide your audience with more adventurous color schemes.

Exporting the color schemes is not that difficult as there are several exporting options provided by the tool.

For instance, if you want to import it to Photoshop, you can export it through the use of a tool that produces GPL palettes.


  • It’s free to use.
  • There’s no registration required.
  • Produce colors based on different color theories.
  • You’ll be able to export the schemes in several formats.


  • It lacks CMYK option in the interface.
  • It’s only offered online.

2. Pictaculous


This is a nifty service developed by the makers of MailChimp. It’s a free service that allows you to pick the right palette by uploading an image to its official website or emailing the image from your iPhone.

Whatever method you choose, the image you’ve uploaded will be analyzed. Then, the service will give you suggested color themes.

After you’ve uploaded an image, this web app shows the hex codes of the main suggested palette, along with the suggestions of Kuler and Color Lovers.

Opting for the email application is as simple as sending the image to a certain email address provided by the service.

Shortly after, you’ll receive a response with the information.


  • It allows user to send an image from his/her mobile through email.
  • You’ll receive an instant reply from the service.
  • This service is free of charge.


  • The suggested palette will be different when exported to Photoshop.

3. Adobe Kuler

Adobe Kuler

This is another color scheming app made by Adobe. At first glance, you’ll think that this app is just a simple color wheel.

But when you try to use it, you’ll realize that it’s packed with great features and functionalities.

The entire online app is very easy to use. You can freely adjust the bubbles and change the color scheme.

As it allows you to select the right sliders to display, you’ll be able to work in different color modes. You can opt for analogous, complementary and other options for great versatility.


  • You can pull your own theme or use the themes that have been created by others.
  • It allows you to search by color making the entire selection easy to do.
  • It lets you create color schemes for your links based on the images you’ve uploaded.
  • A mobile app is also available.


  • You can only import it to an Adobe editing program.

4. Color Hunter

Color Hunter

It’s another color scheming app that lets you upload the photos and the app will simply give you suggestions on the color palette that you must be using to match your photo.

This is a brilliant tool that can create different color palettes from the images you’ve uploaded or choose from among the color palettes available.

This tool utilizes Flickr.com in searching for color palettes. What’s great about this app is that you can keep a list of your favorite palettes, in case you want to use them again.


  • It produces color palettes out of the images you’ve uploaded.
  • It lets you choose different hues from its full-page palette.


  • There’s nothing unique about this app.

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