Best Wood Textures For Design
Textures, when compared to solid or gradient backgrounds, can deliver outstanding effect to the overall design.
Texture used as background is among the most known purpose for using it, and like interior design, texture is like the wall or the flooring which provokes a positive impression.
Using textures can be a bit technical as well, more if you suppose that several types of it has their own respective uses where they will suit best. Take our wood textures today here as examples.
Wood textures are great for those who want extra natural feel to their design, and can be appropriate to a lot of businesses from simple flooring, landscaping, interior design, hardscaping, and many more. Using wood as a texture is an art, and we are thankful for a lot of contributors who are willing to share their fine pieces for design purposes.
1. Tileable Dark Wood Texture Patterns
WebTreats offers one of the most generous and flexible resource to wood texture, and in their package, 8 wood textures are available for use. What made the offer so unique and overwhelming is that, the texture is not a static image as packed; included in the package are a .pat file containing 16 patterns for Photoshop users, along with 16 .psd files with gradient layers for extra dimensional and breath-taking presentation. .JPG format is also available, and luckily, you can simply tile them up for a seamless flooring look.
2. Tileable Light Wood Textures
Alongside with the one offered above is another set of textures—this time, light wood textures. Being light wood tiles, you expect them to be lighter in shade, and would hence be good for a lighter, more cozy welcome feel to the design. The choice of wood textures may be very identical to the ones offered above, but in the package, there includes a pack of large 1024p .jpg files that you can tile seamlessly, and a .pat file for Photoshop users that they can overlay along flat surfaces.
3. Free Photosh Wood Texture pack
Featured in DeviantArt, Pictoyd offered a good collection of wooden textures for Photoshop users. This time, it’s a bit different: instead of offering seamless .jpg tiles or .pat files, Pictoyd offers multiple layer styles that you can simple tag along any objects you would select within the application. Styles included workdesk, birch, black magic, kitchen, floorboards, moody, wavy, basket case, ikea, and cottage. Be aware though that the texture does not really depict the truest look of the wood textures, but the purpose is always served just fine enough for every designer on the go.
4. Wood Backgrounds
You may spend a little bucks here, but what you get are very clear and highly resolute .jpg backgrounds that are flexible enough for your design use. Offered by gojol23 of DeviantArt, the set contains up to 10 wood texture backgrounds that are all giving a grungy or moody feel to your design project. Included also in the package is a .psd file containing different lighting styles specifically prepared for web design projects which may need a little control over lighting and shadows especially on the off-center.
5. 6 Weathered Wood Textures
A very rare collection of wood textures, you’d love to spend around $4 for the package which contains up to 6 weathered wood textures terrific even for big screens without losing quality. Each texture image measures 4368×2912, and is sharp enough to be scaled to virtually any size on any device you can imagine these days. Weathered wood textures would be very good for designs that are more based on antiquity or vintage, but unfortunately, you cannot tile them seamlessly as a pattern.
6. Wood Uncut
From Borysses of DeviantArt, the set is one of the most gorgeous wood texture sets that you should have. Included in the package are all static .jpg files measuring 1024x1024p, but each is actually perfect for seamless tiling, hence the name ‘uncut.’ 10 wooden textures are available, and I’d say the look of these wood textures do not seem really natural but graphical, but still, it should really work great because of its being seamless for backgrounds and patterns.
7. Textures: Wood
An offering by OneColdCanadian of DeviantArt, the set includes 15 wood textures that are clear, sharp, and bright for high-resolution design use. What made the set so different is the real rugged, weathered, or ‘wasted’ look each wood may look, and this styling is great for historical and classical approach to design. Each texture comes in a relatively small size of 1024×764, but this should be enough if mixed with other effects in your favourite graphic design software.
8. Wood Patterns
Another rarity as a set of wood textures, this set from DeviantArt is a real collection of wood that are either distressed, weathered, worn-out, overly-used, or decaying. Up to 9 wood patterns on the set, each image comes in a high resolution for different screen sizes, and images are but sharp enough but not overly intrusive to the eyes. I’d say the wood textures are not really good for background use, but as an effect to objects, yes, they surely are.
9. Wood Texture Patterns
An extra entry to the seamless set of wood textures, Silver- of DeviantArt offers a good collection of more than 20 wood patterns including Buternut, Poplar, Red Elm, Sycamore, and Padauk. Each item comes in a size of 1024x1024p, and can be tiled seamlessly—perfect for background use. Download can take a little while because of the big file size, but what you get is a good shot for long-term use.
10. Wood_Textures
Rugged wood texture, you might be looking, but this set of four wood textures should not miss your collection. Each texture image measures 2000x1500p, but cannot be tiled seamlessly as other offerings would promise. Nevertheless, the four wood textures come in a very sharp variety of weathered wood patterns, and can be very effective in bringing highly to the objects you apply them unto.
11. Wood Texture
This is not really a set as this is only one image, but what you get is a rarity: a wood texture with large nail heads pinned especially at the bottom of the image for an added effect. The image measures only 512x512p, but with a little cropping, sharpening, and editing, you can make this image as a seamless tile ready for background use.
12. Wood + Rays
Last on our list comes the entry of YC in DeviantArt. The package comes in two versions namely one with the Apple logo, and the other with rays on the texture. The variations come in 1920x1200p and 1680x1050p, and the design style is more linear, solid, and less natural. This set would be perfect for designs which needs a minimalistic and clean approach while maintaining elegance and the wooden look it attempts.