50+ Resources That Beast Bloggers Use To Create Attractive Blog Post Images

Let me guess.

You have a blog, and you want more traffic.

How to Create Attractive Images for Blog

But you’re struggling to attract more readers or make them stay longer despite those meaty content you have.

Hmmm. Pretty frustrating huh?!

Have you thought about injecting images on your blog posts? OR are your images engaging enough that people would share on their social media profiles?

Remember, visuals are more effective than words. Most people respond better to visual information.

Images make your posts easier to scan and make reading a lot more enjoyable.

Think about it. You don’t want to bombard your readers with huge blocks of uninterrupted text. Your visitors will leave your website right away if your content looks painful to read.

Plus, images make your point easier to understand because most people tend to remember things easily when they are presented visually.

So if you want more people to pay attention to what you have to say, ALWAYS include images on your blog posts.

But make sure that your images are something that people would be excited to share, and they should be easy to share. Make an effort to create relevant, memorable and unique images on every blog post you publish.

Create Images That Stand Out

Whether you admit it or not, pretty images get more attention (be sure that your content is useful as well). Forget about those sucky robotic images.
Be visually exciting especially now that we are living in a visual age.

In other words, you need images that stand out.

50+ Tools & Resources to Create Captivating Images

In this post, together with 25 kick-ass bloggers, we will share you our favorite (+ recommended) resources and tools for creating attention-grabbing images for your blog posts. You will learn where they find awesome stock photos, fonts, patterns and other design elements, and the tools they are using to make enticing images.

Andrea Beltrami
Andrea Beltrami

1. Pattern Cooler + Adobe Illustrator

Favorite Resource: Pattern Cooler is my go to, one stop shop for insanely affordable custom seamless patterns because they’re a 100% customizable, including the pattern design, colors used, repeat size, texture and texture repeat size.

Here’s a post & video I create all about the tool.

Favorite Tool: My favorite tool for creating images for my blog is Adobe Illustrator. I love Illustrator because I can create all the pre-sized and designed templates I need, complete with my color palette ready and waiting in there, which makes creating all the new images I need for a blog post a breeze.

I design my image in one template, and once I’m finished I simply highlight everything and paste it into the other templates. Then all I have to do is enlarge or reduce things with a couple drags and the other perfectly sized images are ready to save out. It makes creating images for the different sizes needed on social a quick and painless process.

I also love Illustrator because I have all the design elements that I might want to use {i.e brushes for borders, patterns and font themes} at my finger tips as soon as I open the program, eliminating the need to go hunt things down or opening up secondary documents to pull my defined elements from.

Andrea ‘Dre’ Beltrami in Visual Marketing Industry from thebrandedsolopreneur.com

Marc Andre
Marc Andre

2. Pixabay + Font Squirrel

Favorite Resources: There are a lot of sites for getting free resources, but you have to be careful and make sure you read the license and use the resources according to the terms of the license. Sometimes you’ll need to credit the designer or photographer, and sometimes you won’t be able to use freebies for commercial purposes. For free photos some of my favorite sites are Flickr, Pixabay, Unsplash, StockSnap.io, and Splitshire.

If I can’t find what I need for free I’ll usually buy from Deposit Photos, but there are plenty of other similar marketplaces.

For free fonts I almost always use Font Squirrel. All of the fonts there are licensed for commercial use. For free icons I typically use Icon Finder. You can search for the type of icon you need, and you can filter the search results to only show free icons that are licensed for commercial use.

If you really enjoy designing and you’re willing to invest some money in resources that you can use, I’d recommend keeping an eye on several daily deal sites for designers. Sites like Mighty Deals, InkyDeals, and Design Cuts often sell design elements in huge bundles at very deep discounts. So for a reasonable amount of money you can get a really large collection of resources and elements that you can use in your own designs.

Favorite Tools: Personally, I use Photoshop. I did some web design in the past so I’m comfortable with Photoshop and I have a license to it through an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. I pay $10 per month for that subscription.

I use it a lot for photography so it’s well worth the money to me, but for most bloggers a free resource like Canva is probably better. Photoshop is pretty complicated and is way more than you need to simply create blog graphics.

I haven’t used Canva very much, but from the little experience I have with it I was really surprised at how easy it is to use. And there are a number of tutorials available that will show you exactly how to create awesome graphics.

Marc Andre in Social Media Marketing Industry from profitblitz.com

Melissa Culbertson
Melissa Culbertson

3. Creative Market + Photoshop

Favorite Resource: My absolute favorite resource for design elements is Creative Market. I’ve purchased everything from fonts to backgrounds to vector graphics. Prices are reasonable, styles are modern, and they often have bundles for sale where you can get boatloads of goodies for super cheap!

Favorite Tool: 90% of the time I use Photoshop. I like the control I have over the image and it’s just the photo editing app I’ve used the longest! I keep a few templates saved too so I don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time I want to make a blog post image.

Melissa Culberston in Blogging Industry from blogclarity.com

Rita Barry
Rita Barry

4. Noun Project + PicMonkey

Favorite Resources: Whether I’m working on an image for a blog post or a client project, I have a few favorite go to sites for images and graphical elements. The Noun Project is a one stop shop for every icon you can imagine and many are free to use with appropriate attribution.

Creative Market is another fav because of the variety and quality of their resources. You can find everything from images to graphical elements to themes to fonts. They also give away 6 free resources a week so you can sample resources for free.

Buying resources one by one can really break the bank, that’s why Design Cuts is an amazing resource. They’re a deal site for designers and regularly feature bundles of the most popular content from Creative Market at 95% off retail.

For images, I always try to go free when I can. I have a bookmark folder filled with free image sites like Life of Pix, Start Up Stock Photos, Pexels, PicJumbo, Refe and Magdeleine. It’s nice have a lot of variety to find just the right image and be able to choose photos that you don’t see on every site.

Favorite Tools: Because I use Photoshop daily for my business, it’s my program of choice for anything graphic or design related. I’ve tried using web based options like PicMonkey or Canva but have always returned to Photoshop because I can produce better work, faster.

Rita Barry in Web Design Industry from bloggenie.ca

Lauren Hooker
Lauren Hooker

5. Professional Photographer + Adobe Illustrator

Favorite Resource: In order to have images that fit in well with the aesthetic of my brand and website, I work with a photographer a few times a year to collaborate on custom stock images for Elle & Company. These branded images not only appear more professional and streamlined, but they increase recognizability with my audience on my site and social media platforms.

Favorite Tool: Adobe Illustrator is my tool of choice for both my design work and blog image graphics. I have templates set up in the software which make it easy to go in, add the title of my post, change the colors, add and crop images, and save for web.

Lauren Hooker in Web Design Industry from elleandcompanydesign.com

Erin E Flynn
Erin E Flynn

6. Death to Stock + GIMP

Favorite Resources: I adore Death to Stock for photos, as they’re high-quality and very un-stock like. For backgrounds I’m a big fan of Subtle Patterns, as they’re beautifully designed but not overwhelming!

Favorite Tools: I typically recommend GIMP, which is a free image editor. Photoshop is great, but not in everyone’s budget and honestly overkill if you’re not a designer. GIMP offers most of the features that most bloggers need, all for free. Every graphic on my website was actually made in GIMP, due to Photoshop being finicky when I was redoing my site. You can easily create post templates, headers, and anything you need (short of a logo) in GIMP–and it can even open PSDs!

Erin E Flynn in Web Design Industry from erineflynn.com

Brittany Mays
Brittany Mays

7. Fotolia + Pixlr

Favorite Resources: Although Fotolia.com is my go to when I don’t want to think (mainly because they have a very decent selection of photos, icons, vectors, etc… and it’s not super expensive), I try to keep a variety of websites at my disposal.

When I need to create an image or background for a quote, tip or blog post image, I try not to be too literal so I look in several places to get inspiration. I may choose to just focus on arranging the font in an engaging way or finding an image that totally catches your eye but actually has nothing to do with my topic. I’m not saying this method is for everyone, but it’s my style.

I don’t care for the obvious although I suppose it is necessary at times. When I’m feeling fancy, need a really NICE image and have some money to burn, I go to Stocksy.com. Otherwise, I scour for free photos at Pixabay.com and Unsplash.com and I use resources like Freepik.com for vectors, icons and illustrations. (Sorry…I guess I have multiple favorites)

Favorite Tools: When I’m not using Photoshop or Ilustrator which is what I typically create with, my two favorite online tools are Pixlr.com and Canva.com. Pixlr.com works for me because it’s capabilities are similar to Photoshop and it pulls the fonts from my computer so I can stay consistent with my look.

Canva offers some excellent templates that are already the proper size for different purposes and social media sites.

Brittany Mays in Graphic Design & Identity Branding Industry from bmays.com


8. Unsplash + Photoshop

Favorite Resource: I just discovered an AWESOME new photo resource. Maybe I’m way behind on the times, but I only recently stumbled upon Unsplash.com. What I love about this site is that the images are all extremely professional, high quality, and licensed under Creative Commons Zero, which means you can do whatever you want for any purpose.

As for other assets like vectors, backgrounds, icons, and fonts, these days I almost solely rely on Design Cuts. Design Cuts regularly does incredible bundles of artsy vectors, fonts, backgrounds, and more, for only $29. I buy almost all of their bundles these days because the quality is terrific and they’re such good deals.

Every now and then I also buy a Shutterstock subscription. It’s very nice being able to download 25 images/vectors per day. But I’m doing this less and less often because it’s only worth it (to me) if I need A TON of images.

Favorite Tools: I’m a lifetime user of Photoshop. I first got Photoshop (Elements, at the time) when I was like 12 or 13, and I’ve been using it ever since. I’ve never used another program because Photoshop has always gone above and beyond what I’ve needed. Even when I do vector work, I still use Photoshop (shapes/pen tool to create vectors) instead of Illustrator. A few illustrators may shoot death glares at me for that, but hey, Photoshop works for me.

Ashley in Web Design Industry from nosegraze.com

Ramsay Taplin
Ramsay Taplin

9. Gratisography + Pixelmator

Recommended Resource: When it comes to getting photos for your blog my best tip would be: take your own! This avoids all sorts of copyright issues, but also creates a new form of content for your blog and brand that helps you stand out. If you can’t take your own shots, however, sites like Gratisography.com allow you to take photos without even giving credit.

Favorite Tools: When editing images I really like an app called Pixelmator. It’s $40 but has most of the features of Adobe Photoshop (which is hundreds of dollars…) and seems to run a lot smoother on my Mac. If I’m on my phone I’ll use WordSwag to add text to photos – it’s a great app that is really nicely suited to creating images for social.”

Ramsay Taplin in Blogging Industry from blogtyrant.com

 Jill Levengagen
Jill Levengagen

10. Sony DSLR + Lightroom

Favorite Resources: My favorite resource is my Sony DSLR! I am a photographer and I love taking photos. I also give away (Free!) over 600+ of my own blog stock images at my site at blogchickablog.com/shop. But even photographers can’t photograph every subject that is needed for a blog, so I am also a member of Dollar Photo Club, and I occasionally use Creative Commons images if I can appropriately attribute the photo in my post.

Favorite Tools: I am an Adobe girl. I use Lightroom for image editing and making collages for social media. And when I want to make a great pin for Pinterest with a text overlay, I always use Photoshop. I just love to use these programs so that I have no limitations on the creative process! Some might wonder why I would not just use Photoshop for image editing, but I switched to Lightroom a few years back because it saves so much time (especially bulk edits and bulk saving) and does everything I need.

Jill Levengagen in Blogging Industry from blogchickablog.com

11. ShutterStock + Design Cuts

Favorite Resources: I used to use ShutterStock for all of my creative needs, be it photographs, illustrations, etc. However, with the introduction of companies and startups like Creative Market (creativemarket.com), Death to the Stock Photo (deathtothestockphoto.com), and Design Cuts (designcuts.com), I generally have turned to more “indie” means to gather photographs and like collateral I need for my work – those three being my main Go To resources.

I think the smaller resource sites are great for giving your blog a really stylized and unique look, without having to wade through all of the horrible ‘clip art’ style stock that’s out there. Not only that but you get to support other creatives in your field in a very personal and direct sort of community.

Favorite Tools: I pretty much use Photoshop CC for everything. I think it’s a classic, and Adobe is always on the edge of having the best tools for creatives. On top of that, having all of that as well as updates throughout the year for only $10/mo is pretty unbeatable.

Anna Marie Moore in Web Design Industry from annamariemoore.com

Adam Connell
Adam Connell

12. Creative Market + Canva

Favorite Resources: My favorite resource right now is CreativeMarket.com – They’ve got a huge variety of graphic elements and thanks to that amount of choice, I can usually get exactly what I need for a project (or close to it).

Sure, there are plenty of free resources on the web but they can often be limiting and that limitation usually means I spend much longer trying to find an element when I could just save time getting it from CreativeMarket.com.

Favorite Tools: Canva is my go-to image creation tool, I used to use Photoshop and despite it being way more powerful, Canva is far easier to use. All thanks to an intuitive user interface, plenty of layouts, templates and graphics that you can access from within the platform.

Adam Connell in Internet Marketing Industry from bloggingwizard.com

Lisa Butler
Lisa Butler

13. Font Awesome + Entypo

Favorite Resources: For stock photography, my favorites are Death to the Stock Photo and Unsplash. Both are free and have beautiful imagery. Death to the Stock Photo also offers a monthly membership that gives you access to the full library plus additional monthly packs. Their premium library is well designed and easy to navigate, so I can always find the images I need. For icons, I love icon fonts such as Font Awesome and Entypo — they provide a wide range of well designed icons with just one keystroke. If you’re looking for unique and specific icons, The Noun Project has tons to choose from

Favorite Tools:

I create all of my blog images in Adobe Illustrator. Since my graphics are type and pattern heavy, I find it much easier to manipulate in Illustrator. I also love Adobe Photoshop for editing images. My favorite free Photoshop Actions for improving my own photos are from Wish Wish Wish and Pioneer Woman.

Lisa Butler in Web Design Industry from elembee.com

Rob Ryan
Rob Ryan

14. ElenaMontes + Photoshop & Illustrator

Favorite Resources: When it comes to graphics I’m quite particular. I’ve been fortunate that some of my infographics have been shared thousands of times which has really helped get my business up and running and helped to expand internationally. For all graphics I have one resource that I always use and that is my long suffering (and talented) girlfriend, Elena from ElenaMontes.ie.

Elena has been doing graphic design for the last few years and has done all of my graphics for me online since I launched my site about 20 months ago. For stock photography we sometimes use Shutterstock as there are good quality images there or else we try to come up with something completely bespoke as Elena has some illustration skills and likes to sketch so that can help in creating a unique look.

Favorite Tools: I don’t want to call Elena a tool so by proxy I’ll say Photoshop & Illustrator. These are arguably the best packages available to create graphics – undoubtedly there is a learning curve involved (which I honestly know nothing about) but once the curve is scaled then you can great looking graphics from them.

The key thing here though I think is that you need to have some underlying X factor or design ability. I think anybody can learn to use any tool but if you don’t have inherent design flair or ability then the end results will never be as good as someone who has. It’s important to play to your strengths – I’m brutal at actually designing things but I know what should go where layout wise and I know what looks somewhat good. I spend time crafting the words for the infographics and supporting blog posts and leave the bulk of the design to Elena, you can see how the chicken scratchings that form the basis of most infographics here, and see how you could use this process with your own designer.

Rob Ryan in Visual Marketing Industry from robertryan.ie

Bethany Grow
Bethany Grow

15. Unsplash

Favorite Resource: Hands down my favorite resource is Unsplash! They offer loads of high-quality stock photography that is always free and available on their site (though I highly recommend subscribing so you can get their newest images in your inbox).

The photography is all stunning and I’ve been known to print out some of the photos for myself to hang in my home, in addition to using their photos on my own website and client’s websites. Because their photos come from many different photographers, you can alway find a great variety of styles, themes, and subjects. It’s an amazing resource and I’m so glad there are people out there willing to share their talents for free!

Favorite Tools:

I love styling photos for my own blog. When I first started doing it myself, I created a Pinterest board full of perfectly styled pictures of desks, home offices, design tools, and more.

Then I started investing in some prettier props like paperclips and notebooks, then I paired them with different colored poster paper to give my pictures some fun variety! It’s a lot of fun and the process has taught me a lot about styling and photography.

Bethany Grow in Web Design Industry from thecollaboreat.com

Kamila Gornia
Kamila Gornia

16. PicJumbo + GraphicRiver

Favorite Resources: My favorite resource for stock photos are different free sources I actually listed out in this post. But I think my ultimate favorite is PicJumbo just because I like their style. For paid photos, I typically use either ThinkStock or GraphicRiver for more vector style images.

Recommended Tools: Personally I use Photoshop for my blog post images just because I’m very comfortable with it and have been using it for many years, way before Canva and PicMonkey came out. Whenever I feel like I’m drawing a blank though or just want a quick solution, I use Canva.

Kamila Gornia in Visual Marketing Industry from kamilagornia.com

Ashley Griffith
Ashley Griffith

17. Snapwire Snaps + Life of Pix

Favorite Resources: When I’m in need of an awesome photograph for a blog post and I don’t have the time or opportunity to take it myself, I have a few go-to resources: Death To The Stock Photo, Snapwire Snaps, Unsplash, and Life of Pix. These are the first places I check because the photographs they provide are truly exceptional and honestly, even inspirational when I’m stuck for blog post ideas. If I don’t find something here, I’m usually able to find something on morgueFile, pixabay, or Stockvault.

Favorite Tool: Photoshop – there’s no competition for me. It does everything I want in one program and once you learn how to use it, it’s truly very simple. I’m sure I don’t even know half of the features/functions of it, but I can’t imagine creating images for my blog posts without it.

Ashley Griffith in Visual Marketing Industry from hellonatureblog.com

Kendra John
Kendra John

18. Creative Market + Photoshop

Favorite Resource: I love to get backgrounds, textures, patterns, and fonts for images from Creative Market. Everything they offer is for commercial use and there are thousands of gorgeous graphics to choose from. It is the BEST!

Favorite Tool: I create all my images for blog posts in Photoshop. I like to draw shapes and use different styles. Watercolor is a hot trend right now and I can make a “digital watercolor” in photoshop and I love it!

Kendra John in Digital Design Industry from keylimedigitaldesigns.com

Ashley Faulkes
Ashley Faulkes

19. PhotoPin + Canva

Favorite Resources: When it comes to photos and icons, there are a few resources I use consistently to find what I am looking for. I prefer to use Creative Commons images when I can, and my go to resources for that are: Compfight / PhotoPin / Flickr Creative Commons

I also add a lot of icons to my images, as that tends to be all the rage these days. And I often find them on Google Image Search (again under free to use/change image licenses) and a new resource I am trying out that I discovered at SXSW this year is Stock Unlimited as they have a reasonable plan ($9 a month I believe) and range of images and icons.

Favorite Tools: Although I dabble in Illustrator and Photoshop from time to time, my go to tool for image creations is Canva. It is so easy to create the type and size of image I need for blog posts and social media (as well as almost anything else). Not only that, but they have some amazing templates that can make us all look like pros without even trying.

Also, when I don’t have any luck, or time to find images, then I fall back on Canva as they have a reasonable library of unique images, each only costing $1. Can’t complain about that when you have better things to do.

Ashley Faulkes in Visual Marketing Industry from madlemmings.com


20. Fotolia + Picmonkey

Favorite Resource: I use a lot of stock photos on my blog and always look for a high-quality free photo before I consider purchasing one. If I feel that a blog post is very sharable and will do well on Pinterest with a more appropriate image, I’ll buy one from Fotolia. Most of the time, I find what I need for free via Pixabay or I’m able to take a photo myself. I actually wrote a whole post about places to find free images.

Favorite Tools: I use either Canva or Picmonkey for all of my blog post images. I like Canva because their templates give me new ideas for how to set up the graphic so it is eye-catching. I’m not a graphic designer by any means, so I appreciate that they’ve got some fantastic templates. I use Picmonkey as well, and I particularly like that you can use all of your own fonts.

If I’m doing a graphic where I’m just using my main font (Monserrat), I’ll use Canva. If I want to add a more scripty or handwritten looking font, I usually use Picmonkey so I can use fonts that I’ve downloaded from DaFont. DaFont is my favorite place to find free fonts.

Nadine in Lifestyle Blogging Industry from eastandblog.com

 Bec Zacher
Bec Zacher

21. One Dollar Photo Club + Etsy

Favorite Resources: I feel so spoilt for choice when it comes to images and elements, there are so many amazing services out there! My favourites for stock images would have to be – Death to Stock Photo, Unsplash and One Dollar Photo Club and for elements, patterns and vectors i love using Creative Market and Etsy. I find that there is so much diversity available from these services and that the resources are very high quality and free or affordable.

Favorite Tool: My go to tool for a few year now has been Photoshop. I use it every day and am always learning new tricks. At first it can certainly seem a little overwhelming but now i love how comprehensive it is and how much creative control it gives me over my image creation and editing.

Bec Zacher in Blogging Industry from bloggersbazaar.com.au

Reginald Chan
Reginald Chan

22. Gratisography + Canva

Favorite Resource: For me, it would be Gratisography. It is free and the images are very captivating and engaging. Images can be downloaded for free and use without limitation. Check out Top 10 Sources To Find Royalty Free Stock Photos.

Favorite Tool: Canva is my first go-to tool for any image creation. If you need to purchase the ‘items’ there, they cost only a few dollars which is really affordable for many. The inbuilt tool turns any beginner into a professional artist with just a few clicks.

Reginald Chan in Social Media Marketing Industry from socialmediarush.com

 Melanie Marlik
Melanie Marlik

23. Stocksy + Pinterest

Favorite Resources: Stock Photos: These days I primarily get my blog post photos from Creative Market. I like Creative Market because I can typically find a photo that will fit with my blog post’s content and that is fairly inexpensive ($5-$8).

Occasionally, I’ll spend $10 on a photo I really love from Stocksy. Stocksy’s images are very well curated and they have a lot of great shots of women and tech! I have a couple galleries saved so I can simply go into Stocksy and pick one of the photos I’ve previously saved.

I also have a folder of photos I previously download from Pic Jumbo and Unsplash – both these sites are great because they are totally FREE and you can easily download an image without creating an account.

Also, every month I get the latest pack from Death to Stock Photo and sometimes there a pic in there that will fit with my blog.

Fonts: I seem to find a lot of great resources for fonts on Pinterest. I should probably be consistent with fonts but I love all the cool fonts out there so often when I start a new blog post photo, I grab a new font from my pinterest board.

Favorite Tool: Photoshop is just really powerful and I’m quite efficient with it so it’s “go to” tool. There are some great free tools out there but I like photoshop because I can use any font I find and I often use drop shadows and opacities to make sure text more prominent on my background image.

Melanie Marlik in Web Design Industry from aprettierweb.com

Carley K
Carley K

24. VSCO Cam + Party Party

Favorite Resources: I’m highly allergic to cheesy stock photography! Seriously, I can’t post anything on my site that doesn’t thrill me, visually. It sometimes poses a challenge with technology, since most brands have their photos on a white background… and that’s it. So whenever I can, I find beautiful, lifestyle images of technology, because I think it tells a much better (and more visually pleasing) story. When I do need to use stock photography, Creative Market usually knocks it out of the park. They curate work that’s less “stiff” than the others. And they have a great big selection of laptops, desktops, phones and tablets in the wild. I use those a lot.

Favorite Tools: I have been using Photoshop since 1990, so it feels like home. I’ve tried other programs, but just keep coming back to it. And I’m dangerous with keystroke shortcuts! For fun app effects on the go, I love VSCO Cam and Party Party by A Beautiful Mess: They have great doodles, arrows and hand-written text that instantly adds some zip to your pictures.

Carley K in Web Design Industry from carleyk.com

Elaine Malone
Elaine Malone

25. SCStockShop + Sketch

Favorite Resources: Creative Market is always my go-to for design elements. They have a huge collection of gorgeous fonts, graphics, stock photos and much more! There’s so many talented designers on there!! SCStockShop and KateMaxShop on Etsy are great places to get high quality styled desktop photographs. If you sign up to their newsletter and follow them on social media they’ll regularly send you freebies too which is awesome.

Design Cuts is also a fabulous resource, they do bundles of some of the best design products online at huge discounts! You’ll see a lot of the best selling stuff from Creative Market in the collections and it will usually between 80-95% off the orginal value. Amazing!!! They’re really helpful if you have any questions or queries about the bundles and they always do surveys to make sure they’re putting together the right type of bundles. It’s a great way of building your collection of design elements without spending a fortune!

Favorite Tools: I’ve been a huge Photoshop and Illustrator fan for years now, that’s what I used all through college so I’m comfortable with it. If I need to put a image together quickly (usually for social media updates) I’ll use Canva. It’s an online tool, quite similar to PicMonkey, that has pre-built templates that you customise.

Recently I’ve been moving away from Adobe products and trying out some other tools, like Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo – alternatives to Photoshop and Illustrator with a lower price tag. They’ve been great.

My favourite new tool though that I’ve been using more and more lately is Sketch. I love how much you can do with this!! I’ve set up a template that has different artboards for my blog images, website images and social media images so I can reuse them over and over. It saves me so much time and makes it easier to keep images in line with my brand.

Elaine Malone in Web Design Industry from xomisse.com

My Personal Favorites

My favorite tools + resources: My favorite editing tool is definitely Photoshop CC. I use it for everything! As in everything. You can rent it for $10/month. For stock images, I use Creative Market for sassy images, Icon Finder for high-quality freemium icons, Shutter Stock (for my clients who are somewhat formal) and Pic Jumbo for “hippie” images. And oh, I use Pinterest for finding inspiration.

Your Turn

How about you? Do you have a favorite tool and go-to sites for stock photos? design elements? Share ’em in the comments below!

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