blogging: how long should your blog post be?

There’ve been a lot of speculations already as to how long ‘should’ a blog post be.

The problem must have arisen very long ago since the birth of literature and written communication, and also the birth of blogging as well.

The answer to such question is claimed by many to be too subjective, as there’s not really a standard written on any handbook saying that a post should be limited to only 500 words.

That said, one may argue that a 500-word content for a blog is the ‘norm’ of blogging.

However, the success of the blog itself is not really determined by the length; in fact, a lot of blogs do win the crown regardless the length of the content they post regularly.

Some do posts no more than 200 words, while some may even hit a whopping 8,000-word mark.

The important thing is that it should sell.

So it doesn’t matter how long your blog post is as long as it provides the answer.

What you can do

Always aim for quality, and there’s no turnaround to that. Hit as many goals as possible, but don’t lose focus on the main goal of your post. If you’re aiming for a tutorial, then simply write the steps and don’t include the history behind such solutions.

More tips:

  • Trim your content so that what comes out is only the cleanest and the most relevant. Edit, edit, and proofread.
  • Make your content easier to read. Split up long content into multiple sections. If an included topic can be separated in another write-up, then do so.
  • This may not always work on absolutely all situations, but at least try to make the answer readily available and easily accessed. This also means that you should try to arrange your content according to importance.

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