How To Delete Or Moderate Comments In Facebook Comment Box?

The comment box of a Facebook page is the best social plug-in because it enables instant commenting activity between different parties. It allows you to get notified, you get to know what your friends feel about you, and you can indulge in threads or active discussions which sometimes are just bantering but more often than not, could be something worthwhile.

To completely moderate your account or your page, two of such clever tools are created to be always under your control – the Moderation Blocklist (where you can control comments with blocklisted words, turning them into spam), or the Profanity Blocklist (where you can obstruct any word appearing on your page and mark them either weak or strong through the Profanity meter reader).


  1. From the administrator’s page, click on the ‘Show’ button on the top-right hand corner of your page and the ‘Admin Panel’ window will pop up.
  2. Next, check on the Activity button for the latest Notifications of posts, responses, or likes on your page. From here, you can actually see all the posted comments and even the ones that are hidden and marked as spam. By using the ‘Activity Log’ under ‘Manage’, the moderator can restrain the contents of the page by choosing to display, hide, or delete the content.
  3. With your ‘admin power’ you can click on the spam post to view it and depending on your taste, you might just change your mind and allow the post to be visible by marking ‘Not Spam’ or just ignore it.
  4. Again From the ‘Activity Log’, you’ll be automatically taken to the ‘All’ section which can be filtered or straightly excluded as ‘Spam’. Just click on the speech bubble denoting ‘responses to a post’, check on the comments and click on ‘More’ to either delete or to ‘Like’ it.

Other things you need to know:

  1. By clicking the ‘See all’ button on the top-right hand corner of your Admin Panel, you can also activate the RSS Notification Feed that will enable you to check all your posts through your user’s profile too.
  2. All of these may sound a little gibberish to those who have not yet tried this way. Just explore a little further on your own, and get habituated with the new found power tool to finally dispose of any offensive remark.

The social relevance of Facebook commenting thus gets attention due to its easy distribution or sharing ability. But if you have an open Facebook page and an off-putting comment creeps into your page, it is always better delete the comment from the comment box to make the message clear from the view.

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