how-to: find group boards on pinterest with ease
Pinterest is a wonderful way to explore the things that interests various people from various places. This social networking site is focused in helping you share what you love with like-minded people.
One of the best ways to harness the power of Pinterest is to join different group boards. But there are thousands of Pinterest groups out there and if you’re not careful, you might easily get overwhelmed. To make things worse, you could be missing the best group that might interest you for all this time.
But of course, there’s a solution for that! I found a tool that can help you discover awesome Pinterest boards you can join in – PinGroupie! It’s a great tool to help you find the right group boards for you. It’s very easy to use and for starters, I provided comprehensive steps on how to use this tool. Read on!
Finding Group Boards With Pin Groupie
- Go to PinGroupie.
- Use the “Title” or “Description” search bar and enter keywords related to your niche. You can also change the category, order, sorter from the drop down menus. Click “Filter” button once ready.
- A list of results will show up including the description, category, # of pins, # of pinners, # of followers, last updated, likes and repins.
- Click on the title links to view the group boards. OR hover on the “description” button first to see if they have contact info (so you can ask them to join the group).
- Now follow the board you want to be a part of and ask the owner for an invite.
To determine if a board is worth joining, I recommend you to check the “last updated” column and those with high likes and repins. Good luck!