how-to: find and install a plugin in wordpress

WordPress is known for its high customizability. Though the default features of WordPress, by itself, are already incredible, it’s worth noting that you can still add more functionalities and capabilities on your website.

All these are possible through installing plugins.

WordPress plugins are third-party add on programs you can use to enhance your blog’s features and increase functionality.

There are thousands of useful and powerful plugins that you might want to add to your website. But before you can achieve this, you must know how to find those plugins and eventually install them.

So, in this post, let us go through the basic steps on how to find, and then install a chosen plugin to your WordPress.

Please note: Before installing any plugin, you must know whether it’s compatible to your website or not.

Check the review, requirement, and info about a certain plugin to be sure.

Step-by-step tutorial: Installing WordPress Plugin

  1. Alright, so login to your WordPress admin panel. Login to your WordPress account
  2. Click the “Plugins” menu from the left sidebar > select “Add New”. Click Plugins and Add new
  3. Find the search bar and type the keywords or title of the plugin you want to install. For example, I want to install a social sharing icons on my site, so I’m typing this keyword: “social sharing”. Here’s an example screenshot: Search for social sharing plugins
  4. A list of plugin will show up. Click on the details if you want to read more information, read the reviews and see how the plugin will look like in the screenshots. Once you find the plugin you want, click the “Install Now” button. how to install wordpress plugin
  5. Activate the plugin.
  6. To configure the settings of your plugin, you can find it somewhere from the left sidebar of your dashboard. You can usually find them from the “Settings” menu or from the sidebar itself. For example, I can configure this plugin from click the “Cunjo” link from the left sidebar. Here’s an example: Click Settings
  7. See how I can add the links to my social profiles? Example of configuring plugins

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