Guide to Competitive Analysis in 2023
In 2023, all businesses will face even harsher competition than before. In today’s business landscape which is developing incredibly fast, having an effective competitive strategy is vital for achieving success. Thus, all companies need to be prepared to adapt quickly to remain competitive. To do that, they need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors to be able to make more informed decisions about where to move next and which steps to take to be successful in their industry. In this article, we will discuss what a competitive analysis is and its most effective practices.
Understanding Your Industry
If you want to be among the top companies in the competition, you need to have a deep understanding of the industry you’re working in and your closest competitors. With the help of competitive analysis tools, you can check what your target audience and potential customers are looking for online, identify their needs by the search queries they use, compare your website with other competitors in your industry, and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. To compare your business website with competitors and evaluate its performance, use comprehensive SEO platforms like Besides competitive research, it provides tools for keyword research, technical audits, backlink analysis, SEO reporting, and many others within a single environment. Applying the gained data from this platform to your marketing efforts, you’ll be able to stay competitive and overrank your rivals.
If you want to be a step ahead of other businesses, it’s time also to learn more about what technologies others are using and what the main trends are right now. Then you will be able to make more informed decisions and use this knowledge to your advantage. Not only will you be able to optimize your business processes and attract new clients, but also identify potential opportunities for growth. Furthermore, understanding your industry can help you identify potential threats and come up with solutions for them before they occur.
For example, if you are working in the technology industry, your number one goal should be to understand how and when to use tools like AI, cloud computing, The Internet of Things, cybersecurity, etc. Otherwise, you won’t be able to compete with businesses that are already using this technology in their day-to-day operations. You should also closely monitor what is happening in the digital world right now.
For instance, according to the latest statistics, most website traffic comes from mobile devices. This means that your websites should be mobile-friendly and accessible from any browser and device. If your competitors do it and you won’t, you are very likely to lose potential customers.

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Furthermore, you need to be able to predict potential disruptions or shifts in the market. Thinking ahead and assessing the possibilities for errors and negative changes in the industry adds up to your competitive advantage. It makes you more flexible and adaptive, and you won’t be stricken by sudden changes that can affect your company if you think about potential disruptions ahead. You will always have possible solutions ready and will adapt to changes fast.
Identifying Your Competitors
Apart from understanding the trends in the industry, it is also essential to understand the landscape your competitors operate in and how they differentiate themselves from others. Identifying your competitors is one of the most important parts of your marketing strategy because it helps you understand how others are managing the niche.
There are two types of competitors: direct and indirect. Direct competitors are businesses that offer the same products or services and have the same target audience as your company. For example, a hand-made jewelry store’s direct competitors are the same stores in the area.
Indirect competitors are businesses that don’t offer the same products or services but have the same customer base as you. For example, if you’re an owner of a store that sells hand-made jewelry, your indirect competitors are online stores that sell mass-market jewelry or any other seller, even on a flea market.
You can choose the best competitor analysis tools that will help you find your direct and indirect competitors. These tools will help you conduct market research and understand other businesses more. As a result, you can adapt your strategies to meet your customers’ needs and stay ahead in the market. You can find gaps in your competitors’ strategies and use them to offer products/services to your customers that no one else does. If you know your competitors well, you can also predict their actions and prepare your strategies to stand out in the business landscape.
Analyzing Your Competitors
Now that you have created a list of your direct and indirect competitors, you need to learn about their strengths and weaknesses, understand their market positioning, and track key performance metrics.
To analyze your competitors, you can perform a SWOT analysis. This means taking note of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Here are the questions you can start with:
- What are your competitors doing well? (Products, services, social, content marketing)
- In what areas do your competitors have an advantage over your company?
- What are their weaknesses?
- In what areas does your company have an advantage over its competitors?
- What could your competitors improve?
- What do you consider a threat from your competitors?
- Are there any opportunities in the market that your competitors have already identified?

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By answering these questions, you will be able to see in what areas your competitors excel and where they are the most vulnerable. Moreover, if you understand their market positioning and how customers perceive them, you’ll be able to identify and fill gaps in the market.
Next, track your competitors’ key performance metrics. Their revenue, profit margins, customer retention rates, and customer acquisition costs will help you get a deeper understanding of how their business is doing, what actions they are taking to attract customers, and where you can do better. You can also analyze their social media presence and the way they engage with people online to analyze their marketing strategies and gain valuable insights. It will help you get a better understanding of how your competitors communicate with their customers online, what the audience likes the most, what messages bring more traffic, and how to improve your marketing strategy to attract more customers.
Customer surveys and focus groups are also great ways to learn more about competitors, especially direct ones. Ask people what they like the most about certain competitors of yours, how they perceive them, and what they don’t like about their services or products. Gather this data, analyze it, and you will be able to identify the areas in which you can offer more to your customers than your competitors.
Utilizing Competitive Intelligence
The competition in today’s business environment is incredibly severe, and it sometimes scares small business owners from bringing their ideas to reality and moving on with their projects. However, there is a way to stay ahead of other companies. Businesses of all sizes, big or small, should utilize their competitive intelligence.
What is competitive intelligence? It involves gathering information about competitors and analyzing it. This information includes competitors’ strategies, activities, and performance. Your competitive intelligence will help you use the gathered data wisely, identifying the strong and weak sides of your competitors, seeing the gaps in their strategies, and adjusting yours accordingly.

source: Klue
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When you use your competitive intelligence, it provides you with insights into new trends, helps you predict what will happen in the industry in the near future, and use industry developments. Moreover, you can more easily identify the changes in customers’ interests and preferences. You can use this data to make more informed decisions about product development and marketing strategies.
You can gather competitive intelligence through a number of sources: public information, social media, and industry reports. Remember to gather all information ethically and legally, using only data that is available publicly, and avoid any illegal tactics.
Competitive intelligence can also be useful for identifying potential partnerships and acquisition opportunities. When you track industry developments and trends, you can find companies that are complementary to yours and explore collaborations with them.
Leveraging Your Analysis
The information you collect about your competitors can be used to improve your performance and become more competitive. Here’s how you can use all the data you have already gathered:
- Adjusting pricing strategies.
Once you find competitors who are selling the same or similar products or services, you can adjust your pricing strategies according to theirs. For example, if your competitor analysis shows that other companies are charging less for the same products, you can adjust your prices accordingly. You don’t want your prices to be significantly higher than your competitors, but they should not be very low, too. The reason is that customers would question the quality of the products if they are sold extremely cheaply. Thus, try to adjust your pricing so that it is approximately at the same level as your competitors.
- Adapting marketing strategies.
You can also adapt your marketing strategy based on what has already worked for other companies. The key here is not to copy anyone but to use your insights to differentiate yourself from your competitors. For instance, if your competitors have a strong social media presence, you can see what attracts more people and use this information to increase your brand visibility and engagement with your target audience. You can prioritize your brand awareness if your competitors aren’t doing it, too. Moreover, you can look for gaps in competitors’ marketing strategies and use them to your advantage.
- Exploring new markets.
Competitor analysis can help you explore new markets that you may have overlooked before. For example, you can expand your business to new regions where your competitors are doing well or where you have fewer competitors and will more likely attract new clients. It all depends on what you want to achieve and whether you are able to compete with many other businesses in new areas.
- Improving customer service.
Customer service is another essential aspect that can’t be overlooked. You want your customer to have the best experience possible when working with your company, and you want it to be better than your competitors. Thus, identify your competitors’ issues in this area and improve your service offerings to provide a better customer experience. For instance, some companies either don’t offer the possibility of chatting with an operator, or their response time is very slow.
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If the clients have any questions, they want to receive answers as soon as possible. Thus, if your competitors lack excellent customer service, be the one to provide it to people and show that your business is doing great in this area.
- Creating new partnerships.
Finally, you can use the insights from your analysis to create new partnerships that can benefit your business. For instance, if you have found a complementary business that is doing great, explore opportunities for collaboration with them on marketing campaigns, bundling products together, or even merging to create a much stronger company.
In conclusion, racing first in the current competition is tough. However, if you are dedicated to your business ideas and want to work hard to be among the top companies, there are tips to make this path a little easier. If you invest in competitor analysis, learn about the trends in the market, and use the data you have gathered wisely, you will be able to optimize your business processes, offer solutions that no one else does, and attract new clients.