A Guide To The Newest Youtube One Channel

The World Wide Web is really now getting more and more exciting because of the new upgrades and improvements made by some of the most popular websites. Just this month, Facebook made a number of changes in their user experience while other social networking sites are not far behind.

Now, YouTube has just recently made a remarkable move by introducing its latest upgrade known as the YouTube One Channel. Here is a quick run down of the features of this exciting innovative addition to YouTube.

Cover photo

Cover photo is better known in Facebook and maybe also in Google+ but today, it can be seen in YouTube.

One Channel will allow you to customize your page by adding a cover photo at the top of your page. This can remarkably leave a positive impression to your viewers and even engage them to even like your page. Cover letter will help your page to stand out from the crowd.

You must remember something though. The image that will use in your cover letter should have the right size or dimension so that it will be displayed as good as possible. Since there are various devices use to access YouTube such as desktop computers, mobile phones, tablet, and even TV, the image you choose might be cropped or cannot be displayed in full size when it comes to smaller devices.

Therefore you must adhere to standard sizes.

In television, it should be 2560 x 1440 px; desktop 2560 x 423 px; tablet 1855 x 423 px; and Desktop and mobile 1546 x 423 px. Of course, it can be very hard to change your image dimension every time a new device will be used. So therefore, you can use 1546 x 423 px which is a safe dimension for all devices.


Trailer will be used to promote your page. It is the first video that your viewers will see, thus acting like a welcome video. This is an important piece of your advertisement since it can help your audience to know more about you and even subscribe to your channel.

Ideally, trailer should be short but full of essential information to adequately introduce your website. The trailer will only be played automatically when a non-subscribed person will visit your page.

This will assist your non-subscribed viewers to get to know you and encourage them to hit the Subscribe button.

Overall layout

You have more control on your page more than ever with the new layout. There are multiple layout schemes that you can choose from to better highlight you videos and playlists. The channels can also be arranged in your own way – giving your page a unique and personal touch.

Benefits of the new YouTube One Channel

The new YouTube feature will enable you to create a “personality” of your page. You can perform branding strategies across different devices and platforms – reaching out more people and even non-subscribed viewers.

Your uploaded videos will almost be available which gives you the ability to showcase what you can offer.

This is just some of the basic information that you need to know about the YouTube One Channel. This is one giant step for YouTube to enhance the user experience.

Are you ready to explore the new YouTube One Channel? Feeling excited? Visit YouTube now.

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