Hiding Last Active Online Status On Facebook Mobile App
Can you disable this “Last Active” stamp Facebook Messenger on Mobile?
You might have seen these statuses when you’re about to send your friends a message via mobile: “On mobile”, “Active now”, and “Active 10 min ago”. These stamps are actually accurate.
However, some of you may want to disable this feature for some privacy reasons and maybe it’s why you’re here. As of May 2013, I’ve done a lot of research and even tried to find how to turn off this feature, unfortunately, there’s no way you can hide this stamp just yet – unless you totally sign out of Facebook.
- When it says “Active now”, it means you’re actually online on Facebook messenger using your mobile (Iphone App, Android App, etc.).
- When it says “Active 10min ago”, it means you were active 10 minutes ago.
- When your status say “On Mobile”, it means you’re logged in on your mobile but not active on Facebook.
Facebook only track this when you’re on mobile though, it doesn’t track your online status (LAST ACTIVE) when you use a computer yet…just yet.