hostgator web hosting reviews

HostGator Web Hosting Reviews From Real Users hostgatorreviews12.png #webhosting #BlueHost

Hmmm.. seems like you’re in search of a good web host for your website. And it looks like you’re curious about HostGator too.. right?!

I know how it feels like to find a reliable host. It is definitely NOT that easy.

It’s why I’ve asked some real HostGator users to share their experience and write a detailed review about them.

I’m pretty sure the reviews below will help you decide if HostGator is actually for you.

HostGator is probably for you IF you’re a non-tech individual and if you’re someone who don’t need to learn all the complicated web hosting terms to run a website.

HostGator, a Houston-based leading web hosting provider, have all the tools you can easily use to build and run a website.

They have that “1-click Script Installs” where you don’t have to code or program something to create your own site. All you have to do is click and fill up their form and you get to build your site within few minutes.

Other features include: unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, easy control panel, $100 Google AdWords Offer (Advertise on Google using this offer), 4,500 free templates, 24/7 Technical Support and 99% uptime guarantee.

Not to mention they have 45 day money back guarantee, so if you’re not happy with them you can always get out and switch to another web host!

They offer regular hosting (for starters – starting $3.96/mo), reseller hosting ($19.96/mo), VPS hosting (usually for bigger sites – $70+/mo), dedicated servers (for really big sites – $100+/mo) and domain registration.

They’ve been providing these services since 2002 and have received many awards! Quite amazing.

I’ve recommended them to my friends and clients in the past and the service was great (and some of my clients have been using them for years..) The staff were actually helpful although sometimes the chatbox can be quite buggy.

The only con I’d say is they can be really strict. If they caught you sharing something that is not legal or not so legal, they will shut you down without any permission – but you can always run into them to put your site back up anyway. Well, as long as you don’t put any copyrighted stuff on your site, you should be good right?

Don’t just take my word for it. You should also read the following Hostgator reviews (read the comments too!) to help you decide if Hostgator is for you. Happy reading.

Review #1 By Taya Elery – Taya is an engaged mom of 3 who lives with her family in Chicago. She’s a professional writer, entrepreneur, Sass N Frass rep, and owner of her new blog Independent, Smart Diva.

Taya Elery

I signed up and chose HostGator’s Baby Plan March 2013 for my first website. I decided to jump feet first into my freelance writing business and knew I needed a website to get it done.

I wanted to be cost conscious, however, a free website just wasn’t for me. Trust me, I have a few other sites such as on Wix, Blogger, and, but nothing works as best as my platform.

Since then, I’ve added four other domains with no problem. It’s easy to add these domains, which I really love. I chose the Baby Plan because I knew eventually I’d need more than one domain and soon.

However, I didn’t need toll-free phone numbers (the only reason I could validate an upgrade). I can always upgrade later.

I don’t use my business writing site as much, so I’m reviewing HostGator from my new blog’s perspective. Although I’ve owned the domain for a while. I use a plugin called Count per Day. I just “launched” it October 1 and have had 3,825 visitors as of this morning.

The Review

Features – 10/10

Honestly, when I signed up, I looked at the suggestions on a few network platforms I frequently visit. HostGator, Bluehost, and GoDaddy were on the top of these lists. I needed one that offered as close to unlimited everything as possible.

I also wanted a 100% uptime guarantee (their 99.9% worked fine for me). I haven’t explored everything, but I’m getting everything I need as of now. My favorite feature would have to be the 24/7 support. I work all types of hours so when I need help, I want it then. They get a 10.

Reliability – 10/10

As of date, I’ve had no issues with any of my websites. They all load quickly and the plugins are all working nicely. I’ve visited quite a few blogs and notice many of them load slow and at times are unresponsive. So compared to all those issues, I’d rate HostGator’s reliability as a 10 in my book.

Technical Support – 10/10

I actually did not contact tech support regarding my account. It was for a client of mine. I needed help with changing domains and subdomains; it was a real nightmare. And, although it didn’t have much to do with HostGator, they walked me through many steps and led me to the correct tutorials to complete the process. They scored a 10 out of 10 for this!

Security – 10/10

I have not had any security issues, and knock on wood, hope I do not. The most I can say is the spam comments generally are flagged! So, I have no worries of crazy and non-relevant commentaries on my blog. HostGator scores another 10.

Price – 9/10

I initially signed up for my business website. It was $9.95/mo. for one year and their SNAPPY 20% off discount, bringing me to $95.52 for the year. I’m now at full price of $119.40. I have 5 websites in total, so for me, this is a win.

I don’t have to worry about juggling different hosting providers or billing dates. From what I noticed, they are about average. I’ve seen some extremely low providers that haven’t had great reviews. The providers that have low rates and great reviews offer the discounted price for a year.

To me, price shopping year to year and moving my domains would be too much of a hassle. I’ll stick with HostGator and issue a 9 out of 10. The 9 is because I always feel you can throw an added incentive for repeat customers! Even a 5% off discount would be awesome.

Overall Experience 10/10

In the end, HostGator deserves a 10 out of 10. A funny story: when I purchased my 2nd domain, for some reason I felt the need to purchase a 2nd web hosting plan. I contacted customer support via email, and I think they had a pretty good chuckle out of this. They canceled the plan with no hassles at all. So lesson learned, pay attention to the features you are paying for.

Review #2 By Marie Baker – Wife, Mother, Teacher, Designer of many things, Baker, I wear a lot of hats! I just try to enjoy my simple life and make the best of it with my wonderful family.

Marie Baker

1. Hosting Plan:
I currently have a Copper Reseller Plan, I upgraded last year finally because I finally needed. I also have a Domain Reseller through them as well and I can sell domains now too. I’m really excited about that and have attended webinars to learn more about it. I’m enrolled in an upcoming webinar too!

2. Age Of Usage:
I have been with Hostgator since August 2008, it’s been 6 great years of Superb hosting and honestly they are on top of things always. Big Plus in my Book, because sometimes I do need help. I have been hosting websites myself since 2002 and for others as well. I was with several other companies before Hostgator and none compared!

3. Bandwidth Per Month:
Entirely around 50 gigs of bandwidth per month. Now just for my one site around around 20k and around 15 gigs of bandwidth. But I have like 30 sites on my account so I use a ton.

4. Previous Host: How would you compare them to your current one? (only answer if you had one)
I used to have Godaddy, that was the worst mistake ever, I prepaid for 1 year VPS in advance and the service wasn’t used for 6 months and they wouldn’t return any money to me, that’s when I moved to Hostgator. Godaddy realistically cannot even compare when it comes to Hostgator’s hosting and now domains!

The Review

Reliability 10/10

I would definitely say that Hostgator is reliable and in all honesty, I haven’t ever had issues with the sites going down or anything.

Features 10/10

They have a lot of features within the Cpanel Web Hosting. I have the option to easily make a backup of my site. I have access to email accounts, fowarders, auto responders, filtering, email trace. It includes Fantastico De Luxe, CloudFlare, Basekit Sitebuilder, CGI Center, Perl Modules, PHP PEAR Packages, RubyGems, Ruby on Rails and many more features.

There are a ton of one click scripts that you can install included with all of their packages. This includes blog software like WordPress and LifeType, Calendar software like K5n Web Calendar, Chat software like Crafty Syntax, phpFreeChat and X7 Chat. There is a long list of different Content Management Software (CMS Scripts) like b2evolution, concrete5, drupal 6, drupal 7, e107, glFusion, Hotari, Joomla, live Site, Mambo, Modx, Nucleus, ocPortal and many more CMS scripts. There are also Directory, Ecommerce, eLearning, ePortfolio, Forums, Galleries, Guest book, Mail, Project management, Push, Social Networking, Support, Survey and Wiki Software.

Price 10/10

I think their pricing is okay, I would love a cheaper cost. You know that old saying though you get what you pay for, so I’m happy with the cost and cannot complain.

Technical Support 10/10

I have not had any issues with Tech Support they are pretty fast and always working with me if needed. I haven’t had too many issues where it’s been the hosts fault. I have had issues where I messed something up and they helped me fix it.

They are also very cool with extensions, like I’m due on the 1st of the month and it has to be paid by the 10th. If I cannot make it till the 16th they will allow my account to stay active and let me pay late. I really love that cause stuff happens in life sometimes and I need that extra time.

Security 10/10

Yes they do have decent security, I haven’t had any issues where someone hacked my sites or nothing. I know there is MOD Security and I’m not sure exactly what else is on the server for security, but it’s been okay!

Extra Comments


  • The type of account I have I can add unlimited domains to it and host numerous sites.
  • They are very fast and respond to my tickets or when I tweet to them.
  • I have been with them for 6 years and never had downtime with them.
  • They also now have a domain ResellerClub and that’s really exciting!


  • They always say I can enter to win $50 if I rate their tickets and out of all these years I never won! LOL 🙂

Overall Experience 11/10

I would rate them an 11 because I really have been pleased all this time with them and they have been truly remarkable! Before them I went through several hosts, some who even tried to extort my customers to get their databases! I have dealt with a lot of hosts over the last 12 years and Hostgator has truly been the best!

Okay I think I got that all done. LOL I give them a 10 all the way around! 🙂

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Or do you need an alternative to HostGator? Try BlueHost.

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