5 Most Inspiring Mom Blogs
The blogosphere isn’t only for geeks but it’s also a venue where mothers can share their views about the world they’re living in and give advice on how they’ve managed to get through all the challenges in their lives as a mom.
They can make you laugh, cry or feel that you’re not alone in this world of parenting.
They don’t only write their best parenting moments but they’re brave enough to reveal the worst time they’ve as parents.
If you’re a mother and you want to connect with other mothers who are also experiencing the same things as you have as parents, then you might want to read these blogs.
They’re owned by mothers who keep on reminding other mothers that they’re not alone. They don’t only display humor and kindness but there are bigger things they’ve prepared for their visitors.
Here’s a list of blogs written and owned by moms who share advice about parenting and everything in between.
1. I am Not A BabySitter
The first on this list is Jaime of “I Am Not The Babysitter.” She’s a mother of two and she mainly writes about her experiences with adoption. But you can also read about her view regarding travel, young marriage and other things that can make you realize that even if her family is a little bit different, it’s still called a family.
She may look familiar to you it’s because you may have seen her breastfeeding her 3-year old son in a cover of Time magazine. Apart from being part of that controversial magazine cover, Jamie is a supporter of various organizations that fight orphan and AIDS IN Ethiopia. In fact, her son, Samuel, was adopted from Ethiopia.
Her blog is filled with posts that you can relate to as a mother. Each post is written from a mother with passion and love.
2. JollyMom
Although it says “jolly mom,” her blog isn’t always about jolliness. Rather, it’s about returning the favor to other mothers who’ve inspired her. Her blog doesn’t only contain inspiring thoughts but it also offers tips, recipes and product reviews. She even offers giveaways to her visitors.
This mother of two is a super mom. Even if she’s busy with her work, her posts are full of life. Some of her posts are so funny you’ll surely laugh until your stomach hurts. As you visit her blog, you’ll be able to find chaos and laughter rolled in the same place. One of the best pieces of advice she gave is to enjoy being together, whatever you’re doing. You must always have fun with your family and make memories that’ll surely last a lifetime.
3. PhD in Parenting
She has PhD in Parenting. The PhD in her blog’s title isn’t the real PhD. But, just like a real PhD student, she spends most of her time researching, experimenting and failing. Her blog is about providing ways on how to help other mothers in improving how they relate to their children.
Although she has her hands full with her two kids, she still shares her experiences with her audience. Living in Ottawa, Canada, Annie believes that a mother shouldn’t be complacent. Instead, a mother should worker harder to make “good” into “best.” She shares the many adventures she has about parenting her two kids.
4. The Bloggess
Okay, Jenny’s blog is different. She doesn’t share inspiring pieces of advice about how she’s coping with her role as a mother. She’s funny and her posts will keep you at the edge of your seat. You may laugh or insulted by her jokes but at the end of it all, you’ll be inspired. Her advice isn’t the typical advice given by other mothers on this list. But it’s something you want to apply to your own life as a parent.
Reading her blog gives you an insight of how she loves her life as a mother. She writes about the many joys in her life, including her crafts. Just by going to her About Me page makes you want to scroll more about what she has been written in the past and get hooked to it. Her blog isn’t boring at all. It’s something that you may need – laughter.
5. Resourceful Mommy
Apart from being a mom, Amy is also a blogger and social media marketer. She invented the hashtag known as “Twitter Party.” She has developed a network of bloggers in 2009, which is known today as Global Influence Network. Currently, the network has more than 1500 members.
But her achievements aren’t the reasons she’s on this list. Mothers like her want to visit her site because of the many things that she writes about her adventures as she walks through the life of being a mother while she’s working and doing other things that she likes.
There are other moms out there who can be your inspiration but these five mothers are the favorites of many people. You may follow their blog or visit their site once and you’ll know exactly why they’re called top 5 most influential mommy bloggers.
What about you? Who are your favorites? 😉