20+ Places To Find Superb Content To Share On Social Media

”Pauline, where do you find all these stuff?”

20+ Places to Find Great Content To Share With Your Audience @ http://www.twelveskip.com/marketing/social-media/1336/where-to-find-great-content-to-share

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I tend to get this question a lot.

So I thought writing this post would help those that constantly looking for high-quality content to share with their followers.

Sharing great content consistently is one of the best strategies for building and maintaining a strong online presence.

People are always looking for useful and interesting posts, and you’d want to become an authentic go-to person in your niche.

As a blogger, you may not always get to produce content as much as you want, so to keep your social accounts fresh and updated, you may need to curate other people’s stuff.

Plus you can’t just always promote your own posts 24/7 especially if you’re a newbie or you’ll become repetitive and eventually bore your followers.

But remember, you have to be picky with what you curate. Share content that your audience cares about. Don’t just randomly post anything or you’ll just frustrate your users.

And this is why I’m writing this post, to help you find great stuff.

Why Share Other People’s Content?

  • Build your reputation. Be known for what you love. Sharing is a great way to demonstrate your expertise.
  • Elevate your visibility. Grow your fans and followers significantly by keeping your social accounts up-to-date and interesting.

  • Become a go-to person. Be recognized as a source of value in your niche.

  • Grow connections. It’s a new way to make friends in your industry especially with the experts and influencers. Keep in mind, “Share other people’s content as you would want your own to be shared.”

  • Stay top-of-mind with your followers. Stay connected with your fans, you need to post regular updates that matters to them. So that when they need something, you will be the first one they turn to. For example, I need help with SEO, the first site I’d visit would be Search Engine Land since I know that they’re always updated about SEO.

For example, I want to be known as a blogger that teaches people on how to start and run an effective blog. So to build that reputation, I need to gain my target audience’s trust. And that’s by showing how knowledgeable and passionate I am about blogging – and one of the best ways to demonstrate that expertise is by constantly sharing cherry-picked content related to blogging – either through newsletter, social media, or though my blog.

List of websites you can curate great content from:

1. Buzzsumo


I love this tool! With Buzzsumo, you can find the most shared stuff on the web (a.k.a the most loved content) based on the keywords you use through their search bar. You can even filter them by date and by type (article, infographics, guest posts, giveaways, etc.). And take note, you can also search for key influencers in your niche – which can help you find more resourceful people for you to follow.

2. Learnist


My new found favorite – Learnist. It’s an education focused resource sharing site where you can find so many informational posts curated by experts.

3. Topsy

Topsy Curation

Topsy is like Buzzsumo, a social search engine where you can find trending stuff on the web based on their shares. Use their search bar then enter the keyword related to your industry, and a list of most-shared content will show up. You can even customize the results using the sorting features in the sidebar.

4. Social Media Networks

Follow those that share interesting updates to feed your stream with great posts, and learn how to organize your following.

  • Twitter Lists – Use the search bar and enter your keyword to find the trending #hashtags, topics and even those people in your niche. Gather your favorite tweeters and create a new list for them. This way you will easily be able to track the tweets of your favorite people. Learn how to manage your Twitter lists here.

    Curating with Twitter

  • Google+ – Organize your Google+ circles. You can either follow people in your industry so you only see updates you’re interested in or create a new circle for your favorite Google plussers and turn on the “notifications” to receive instant notifications from them. Learn how to manage your circles here. Google Plus Curate
  • Facebook fan pages – Follow pages you like, and create a list for them. You can also receive instant notifications by subscribing to their pages. Here’s how: Buzzsumo
  • Pinterest Search – Either follow selectively or use their search bar to find stuff that interest you.
  • LinkedIn – Join quality groups and follow influencers. They also have this ‘recommended news for you’ (Pulse) feature that will easily help you find great posts. You can also use their filter options to see specific updates OR customize your home page settings so you can only see updates you want. LinkedIn
  • Tumblr – Well, you won’t see much original posts here but you will like this network if your niche is related to fashion, web design, ‘quotes’, funny stuff, travel or food – anything that most teenagers will like. Follow blogs that shares awesome stuff, or use their search bar.
  • Instagram – Same with Tumblr. Enter a hashtag keyword in their search bar to find content you may like.
  • Youtube – If your audience are into watching video, you can find some interesting videos on Youtube as well. You can either use their search bar, see related videos or use their recommendations area – they recommend videos and channels based off your viewing history. Don’t forget to subscribe to those people in your vertical!

5. Your favorite sites

Organize your favorite websites! Whenever you find a website that makes you go wow, do either of the following to make sure you won’t miss any or important updates from them:

  • Set up an RSS reader.
  • Use reader services like Feedly.
  • Save your favorite sites using bookmarking sites or apps like Pocket.
  • Sign up for newsletters to receive updates directly to your inbox.

6. Flipboard

Flipboard is a sleek magazine-like app that will deliver the posts you want based on the topics you select. Available for iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry. I love how I can integrate my Twitter timeline and Facebook newsfeed on this app as well.

7. Feedly


Get the latest updates about the topics you’re interested in with Feedly. An app for iOS and Android is also available. Enter a keyword in their search bar and you’ll see a list of recommended resources for you to save to your Feedly account.

8. Slideshare


Need beautiful high-quality presentations to share with your audience? Try Slideshare. They also have great features like: ‘Today’s Top SlideShare’, ‘Recommended For You’. You can also use their search bar or click the ‘Explore’ link to search for the presentations you’re interested in.

9. Alltop

All Top

Find interesting posts and new blogs to follow with Alltop. You can search for topics by keywords, by category or alphabetically. Sign up for a free account so you can follow feeds of your newly found interesting blogs.

10. Klout


I used to think of Klout as a boring and pointless platform (oops..) until they completely changed their platform’s design. When I’m running out of content to share with my audience, I go to Klout! They actually share awesome and valuable stuff. Klout suggest content based on the topic you add. You can share them to your Twitter directly from your Klout account. The best thing about it is, you’re allowed to schedule them for free.

11. Triberr


Triberr is another awesome platform built for bloggers you can use to find great content.

The posts that will show on your stream will depend on the groups you’re in. So if you want great posts that’s relevant to you, make sure to review each tribe you’re about to join and check if the members are of high quality and see if they share relevant content.

12. Scoop.it


Scoop.it is like other bookmarking sites, but a sleek one. You follow topics that interest you, and you get to read them in a magazine-like format. They also have a social sharing feature where you can share links to multiple social media networks all at once – directly from their network.

13. Google Alerts

Google Alert

Use Google Alerts to receive email updates related to your industry. Go to Google Alerts and enter the keyword or search query you want to monitor. You will receive a list of interesting articles based on the queries you enter.

14. Bookmarking sites

  • Stumbleupon – use their search bar to explore your interest or find content by changing your stumble topics.
  • Reddit – if you’re in the entertainment industry, Reddit should be one of your first go to for really entertaining content.
  • Digg – for viral stories, trending news/updates, you would want to check Digg.com. Stay updated by signing up for their newsletters. They also have an app for iOS users.
  • Fark – need funny stories/news? Use Fark!

15. Inbound.org

Superb place for marketers. You can find trending, latest, and most discussed topics related to internet marketing (SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and more).

16. Bloglovin’


Bloglovin – This is mostly for ladies. Those who are into fashion, beauty, health, home décor, lifestyle, DIY, travel, and food bloggers. You can use this to collect and follow blogs you often read and receive instant notifications about their new posts via your email.

17. Buffer App

Buffer App

Buffer App is a social media sharing tool where you can easily schedule updates/posts. They also have this content suggestions feature which helps you discover great content related to marketing, inspiration, life hacks, business and design. You can even schedule them directly through Buffer. PS: A Buffer app for iOS is also available.

18. HootSuite

Hootsuite App

To Hootsuite Pro users out there, you can now use their newest feature called “Suggested Content”, where they serve up great content for you to share with your followers. According to Hootsuite, the suggested content are based on your posting history on Twitter. To find this feature, go to the “Publishers” tab > then click on the “Suggested” menu.

19. Your competitor’s favorite sites

This is one of my most favorite methods! Spying on my competitors’ favorites! Take a look at your competitors’ favorite websites. Where do they usually get their content from? Review the content they usually share and stalk the authors of those posts.

20. Newsle


Thanks to Ian Cleary for recommending this superb tool. Newsle is a unique web app helps you find articles about you, your social media friends and those that interests you.

21. News sites

Don’t forget the news sites! Those big websites that delivers constant updates/stories. Here are some examples:

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What about you? What’s your favorite go-to resource? Pop in the comments below!

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