Preventing People From Writing On Your Facebook Wall

Facebook, being the most popular social media site to date, also gets overcrowded at times by people who send you nonsense things. The Facebook Wall is a feature that lets people post on your profile page anything they would like to share with you. Privacy plays a very important role in this case, and you would not want friends or other people to simply post things you might not want to appear on your profile or timeline, right? So in this article, we are going to show you how to prevent people from posting to your wall on Facebook.

How to prevent people from writing on your wall

To prevent people or friends from posting to your wall, follow these instructions:

  1. First, click the gear icon near your Facebook account name on the header bar, and choose Privacy Settings.
  2. PrivacyIconFB

  3. Navigate to Timeline and Tagging on the left side options.
  4. TimelineFB

  5. Under “Who can add things to my timeline?”, look for “Who can post on your timeline?” and click on Edit.
  6. WhoCanPostFB

  7. Choose “Only Me” (“No One” in the old version of Facebook) instead of Friends. Click on Close to save the changes.
  8. CloseFB

Alternatives for content sharing

If your friends really do want to share something with you but you have disallowed your wall, here are some alternative options for content sharing:

  1. Tagging. Friends can still tag you on their posts or photos if they want to share something with you and you can change how these tags of you appear on your profile too, whether it’s public or just your friends, or just a limited amount of friends that you’ve chosen.
  2. Sending a link of the post. Your friend still has the option of sending you the link of the post via messaging, IM, e-mail, or whatever medium. Just make sure that your friend has enabled his post to be seen by you.
  3. Messaging. If all else fails, there is always messaging. You can share stuff privately without people intruding in, which is perfect if you are discussing secret projects, business deals, and all that. Messaging is also a much more direct and private approach rather than posting to another person’s wall.

Advantage of closing your Facebook wall

As mentioned before, privacy is a very important thing not just in Facebook, but also in the world of social media. Preventing people from posting to your wall will also prevent unwanted content such as spam, pointless advertisement, indecent content, and all other things that you might not want other people (especially your boss, family members or co-workers) to see. It also saves you time having to check and delete which content are not appropriate on your Facebook wall that was posted by another person.


Preventing people from posting to your Facebook wall is a great way to keep your account safe, private and reputable. If you know people whose Facebook walls are always invaded by nonsense posts, try to share this tutorial with them.

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