Client Welcome Packet & Pricing Guide Template


Impress your potential clients and make them say YES immediately with this highly-presentable welcome packet & pricing guide. This works with Canva.

INCLUDED: 33 mix and match modern and easy-to-edit design templates including the following: Cover / Welcome / Who we are / Team / Table of contents / Services / Packages / Add-ons / Our process / Project timeline / What to expect / Q&A (F.A.Q.) / Case studies / Quote / Client checklist / Client homework / Client’s best practices / Tips & guidelines / Tools & resources / Your next step

No stock photos included.

Check below for further instructions.


1. Add the item to your cart and make a purchase.
2. Once the purchase is complete, you will be redirected to the download page and you should be able to download a txt file (the link to the templates).
3. Click on the link to Canva and create a copy of the templates
4. After creating the copies, you can customize the templates and then export them.

Canva Instruction

1. You Instantly access the Canva link through Download. (Canva uses a login to the free version for the ability to save your drafts.)
2. You add your own logo and contact information.
3. You can customize the wording, font, font size, placement and size as much as you’d like.
4. Add your own images (or use the ones already in place).
5. Save the files.


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