10 Proverbs Typography That You Should Remember
Proverbs typography has a unique way to transform ordinary words into more powerful and dramatic message. Sometimes when we read proverbial sayings, we are not able to see its deeper meaning until it is given more emphasis with the help of typography.
Here’s the 10 proverbs typography for you to reflect upon. As you check each typographical design, it is very easy to see the impact of typography on proverbs.
1. A wise man has great power and a man of knowledge increases strength. For waging war, you need guidance to achieve for victory, many advisers.
It is very obvious that you need both wisdom and strength to win a war. With wisdom and knowledge from advisers, you will surely be more effective in waging a war.
2. A big tree attracts the woodman’s axe.
Sometimes, those who are successful are the ones who are always criticize, insulted, and always looked down. Though success has its own benefits, people can easily get jealous and look for ways to bring you down; just like the crabs inside a basket. This is the meaning of this proverb. You become a big tree as you acquire more accomplishments and the woodmen are those people who will try to bring you down.
3. You brew the tea you drink.
This proverb can both be negative and positive, depending upon what brew. It means that if you brew good tea, you will drink good tea; however, you will drink bad tea if you brew something bad. It is another simple way of saying: “You reap what you sow.”
4. The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
This is a Christian proverb that can be applied in all aspects of life. We can surely do our best to plan and plan but there are some things that are beyond our control. This is where faith comes in and to trust the Lord for guidance and direction.
5. The plans of the righteous are just.
If a person is just, you will be certain that his or her intention is pure and just. Though the result may differ from what is planned, we can always put our confidence that people with righteous heart will be righteous as well in their plans.
6. Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to act.
We are called not to be passive and be content that we are not doing anything wrong. But we must strive hard to do something that is good. When we see people who are in need, we need to grab the opportunity to do good and right.
7. When you reach the top, keep climbing.
There is no end to what you can achieve in life as long as you put your heart and mind into it. When you reach the top, there’s always something that you can do to better yourself. Remember, the biggest room in our life and what seems to get bigger as we grow, is the room of improvement.
8. He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.
If we seek what is good, it is what we find. Righteousness and love comes hand in hand. When we put the interests of others above ourselves, we can be sure that the blessings of life, prosperity, and honor will find its way back to us.
9. Wisdom is better than jewels.
Remember the story of King Solomon? Instead of asking for richness, he asked God for wisdom which God granted him. As a result, he used that wisdom to acquire more richness for his self and for his Kingdom. Wisdom will stick to you and no one can take it from you, unlike jewels and material possessions.
10. Do not answer a fool according to his folly or you will be like him yourself.
Wisdom is very important to discern when the best time is for you to answer an argument and debate. Sometimes, people become so convinced about being right that they are too blind to see when they are wrong. For this reason, we are advised that we must not answer a fool according to his foolish arguments and philosophies, lest you become a fool like him or the fool will think of himself as wiser than you.
These are some of the proverbial typography that you can find on the Internet. I am sure there are a lot more of them. With each proverb, you will gain new practical wisdoms that you can use to live this life better and happier. Take time to browse for more proverb typography and see how it can inspire you.