Sticky Navigation Menu WordPress Plugins

Your WordPress-powered website will surely look absolutely more gorgeous with the help of floating sticky header.

There’s a lot of floating menu plugins available today. However, not all of them are equally made. Some are just superiorly more powerful than others.

In this post, I’ll share two of the best floating sticky header menus available in

Check them out and see how it can help you.

1. Floating Menu


Floating Menu created by remix4 has almost perfect 5-star rating from its users. With the help of jQuery, you will be able to create drop down menu that looks sleek and sticky. When you hover your mouse pointer over the menu, new options will immediately appear. You can also configure it in such a way that the drop down menu will activate upon clicking.

The Floating Menu is highly customizable. This means that you can change the width, tab text, location, alignment, floating speed, animation speed, auto-close menu, keep open, and disable float. You can choose a skin from its four different sample skins.

2. Sticky Header by ThemotoSoup


Sticky header is very important since it can give your visitors the ability to navigate your page in the fastest and most convenient way. The best thing about Sticky Header is that it can be a great instrument to improve the aesthetic design of your website.

Moreover, the sticky note brought about by ThemotoSoup will help you display an image or message subtly, ingraining your message in their mind subconsciously. Through sticky notes, you can display your logo throughout your web pages all the time.

The Sticky Note created by ThemotoSoup can easily be configured. You need to have one navigation menu to start using Sticky Header. In addition to this, you can also upload a logo to be displayed along the Sticky Header. The logo size should 30px to perfectly fit the Sticky Header. You can also change the background color, text color, Sticky Header size, and many other options.

Final Words

There you have it. With these two options, you will surely improve the navigation scheme of your website. Never underestimate the power of Sticky Header and take advantage of its many benefits.

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