Tips & Tricks to Gain Authentic Followers on Instagram
Instagram is undeniably a great platform to share beautiful pictures of things that you are passionate about. Of course, it would also be great to share with an audience the photographs of items, sceneries, and experiences that make you happy. So here are some tips and tricks to gain authentic followers on Instagram since a good following on your social media platform will definitely pump you up some more to continually improve your content.
Think of Your Theme
What will your account be about? It will be nice to think of a theme for your profile to anchor most if not all of your content. A theme could be something that you like taking photos of such as food, clothing, beaches, tattoos, etc. But a theme could also be how you like to edit your photos. Are your photos bright? Do you prefer it orange-y and sunset looking or perhaps sepia-toned? Whichever you prefer, remember to make these appealing.
Choose an Interesting Profile Name
If you are not using your complete name, a catchy profile name that is related to your account’s content is also a great idea. If your theme and profile name are related to, say, trekking and landscapes in general, then your audience would immediately know what to expect in your account. They will follow you if that is what they are looking for.
Boost and Improve Your Profile
Think about a slogan that will summarize your content or theme. This will also guide potential followers who have the same interests. Choose a profile photo that looks impressive and professional. Since Instagram avatars are quite small, choose a photo that is viewable and still striking at such a small size. Remember to put your email for contact purposes and link your other websites and accounts where they can follow you too.
Post Quality Content
Instagram is a social platform that tends to be more visual in terms of content sharing, unlike Twitter or Facebook, although you can post photos on those social media networks. If you want to gain authentic followers with your content, make sure to post quality photos that coincide with your theme. There are a lot of smartphones that take amazing, high-quality photos, and Instagram has built-in editing options that can help you.
Think Ahead About Your Post
This tip is to make sure that you curate your content and do not bombard your account with random photos. Make sure that your content follows a pattern to make it more visually appealing. This will also improve your quality and theme in the long run. Scheduling your posts and thinking ahead will make you reevaluate what photos look great and not repetitive. One trick is to post every other day and another is to alternate the kinds of pictures you post. For example, if you have taken a photo of a beach view or a landscape for your current post, choose a close-up photo for the next.
Make Your Description Count
Whether you just put some cute emojis on your description, a short caption, or a lengthy account of an experience, make sure it is interesting and engaging. You can also leave a question or encourage your followers to leave a comment and whatnot. Remember to check your spelling and grammar, because that too, counts.
Use Hashtags
A lot of Instagram posts are doused in hashtags and oftentimes they stick out like a sore thumb. However, despite looking “off” in your post, hashtags are undeniably helpful in bringing potential followers to check out your profile and content. Some sites and apps generate hashtags that are quite trending, and you can just copy these into your description or comment. It is smart to use these hashtags to lead more users to your account, but if you want to hide them, just put the hashtags a few lines below so that they remain hidden unless someone opens it.
Interact with Others
This trick is definitely useful. Search and click hashtags that are similar to your theme or content such as “cats”, “beaches”, “trekking” and so on. After this, check out the profiles or posts that use those hashtags. Liking and commenting on them will result in other users to check out your profile and follow you if they like your content and theme. Most probably, if you have already done the tips and tricks above mentioned, then chances are, your profile is quite a bomb already. Hopefully, this will up your following on Instagram.
Never Stop Learning
Apart from all the tips and tricks mentioned above, it is also crucial that you learn, learn, learn. Read and research on how to take quality photos, which angles work best, how to use editing tools, what photo adjustments are most effective, and so on. Gaining a huge following on Instagram is not something that can happen overnight, but it is something that you can work on, and you can continually improve.