Verified Profiles And Pages On Facebook
With so many fake accounts existing on Facebook, it will be hard for us to distinguish which ones are real or not. Fortunately, Facebook unveiled its verified profiles and pages program to help users know which accounts to follow. Popular public figures such as celebrities, government officials, journalists, athletes, business and brands can be verified by Facebook.
If you see a blue checkmark badge beside their names, then that means they have an authentic identity.
Accounts are automatically verified by Facebook to help users locate real profiles and pages. As of the moment, Facebook cannot accept verification requests from the public. Moreover, not all authentic accounts have been verified by Facebook.
Here are a few tips that you can do:
- If your account is not yet verified, you can let your followers know that your page or profile is authentic by linking it to your official website. Also, you can provide more information by accomplishing your About section.
- Report fake accounts that are impersonating you or your business so Facebook can take action.