viraltag review: schedule your pins on pinterest

ViralTag Review

I remember how I used to pin things manually.

Well… it was for fun until I got serious with blogging.

Crafting just one blog post takes me a lot of time already.

I realized that I couldn’t stay on social media all the time.

I needed to use my time more efficiently.

I wanted to focus on creating more awesome content for you folks.

So I figured that I needed some tools that will help me save time while promoting my content effectively.

I shopped around and looked for great social media tools. Most marketing PROs were recommending ViralTag for Pinterest so I gave it a try.

In this post, I’ll dive into ViralTag and I’ll talk about how it works and how you can use it to boost your Pinterest marketing.

What is ViralTag?

ViralTag is a Pinterest management tool trusted by 40,000 individuals and businesses. It helps you bulk upload and schedule your pins. It also process thousands of feeds to provide you with lots of suggestions for engaging content to post. Here’s a sneak peek of the dashboard:

ViralTag Dashboard

Benefits of using ViralTag

  • Save time (and of course, money).
  • Keep your Pinterest page fresh and updated with new pins throughout the day.

ViralTag allows you to schedule your pins to be automatically published at any time in the future.

That means, the more updated your Pinterest account, more visibility in the news feed. So those that are interested in your pins, they will most likely help spread the word about you by repinning your content.

The more your pins spread, the more Pinterest traffic to your website, right?

With the use of ViralTag, you don’t have to stay on Pinterest all the time to generate traffic. You can spend an hour every few days and bulk schedule pins.. Voila! Your account gets updated by itself!


  • Schedule pins. One of the most useful features of Viraltag is the ability to schedule your pins. How important is this? Well if you have followers from different time zones, they would be active at different times of the day. With Viraltag scheduling, you can easily program your pins to be uploaded at all the times when your followers are most likely to see them – even when you are already sound asleep. You can pin your images multiple times just so you get a bit more exposure. Schedule your pins with ViralTag
  • Multiple Pinterest accounts. I can manage up to 5 Pinterest accounts.
  • Bulk upload pins.
    I can either upload them right away all together or set a schedule for them. You can upload via your computer, Facebook, web images, Flickr, Picasa, Instagram. Upload Pins
  • Image Editor.
    I can customize images by adding effects, overlay, quotes on images and even to crop images to desired size. Once you are satisfied with your image, it is just as easy to upload the images to Pinterest whether it is saved on a computer, from the web, your other social networks or from RSS feeds.

    ViralTag Image Editor

  • Analytics.
    You can access to analytics tools across several platforms. There is also a coming feature which is designed to report how your content is performing; even better it is planned to be integrated with Google Analytics. You will then have greater insight on the things you may have to adjust to get the results you want.


  • They don’t have a ‘schedule pin it’ button for each image. You have to use the extension to do it.

Pricing: $29/month

There are two types of subscription on offer through their website. There is the Free version which requires no credit card, which you can use for 7 days. Then there is the Pro Plan which, at the moment, Viraltag charges $29 a month for.

The Pro plan allows you to manage multiple social profiles. Features for Pinterest include publishing, discovery, embeddable widgets and image enhancing.

Overall Rating: 9/10

Viraltag has the features that an internet marketer using social media platforms will appreciate. More than that, if you are serious about marketing through social media, you probably need Viraltag.

There are more advance tools out there but ViralTag has the necessary features that will help you keep your Pinterest fresh and updated, thus grow your following and drive more traffic to your website. So if you just need help with scheduling your pins to keep your Pinterest updated throughout the day, ViralTag is definitely for you.

Try reading up on the comments posted by users about Viraltag and it will be almost overwhelmingly positive.

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